
Train Your Trainers on How to Develop Effective Training Sessions

In today’s Advisor, we present an exercise from BLR’s Training the Trainer audio presentation. This exercise allows trainees to begin to develop a training session that meets a need at their workplace. Trainees will write objectives, plan content, plan methods of encouraging participation, and develop exercises or proficiency demonstrations for evaluating participants.

First, review with trainees the tasks involved with developing a training session, including setting objectives, establishing content, planning for participation, and preparing methods of evaluation.

Then, ask trainees to respond, individually or in small groups, to the following questions:

1. What are some of the training needs you see in the workplace? List at least three.




2. Look back over your list and choose one of the needs to begin addressing today. Describe what you know about the need. How do you know the need exists? What causes it? How can training address the need?




3. List objectives for a training session to address the identified need. Limit your list to no more than five objectives.






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4. Next, list the knowledge and skills trainees will need to learn to meet the objectives.




5. What delivery methods (e.g., presentation, video, lecture) will you use to present training materials?




6. What points should be discussed by the group of trainees?




7. Describe exercises or proficiency demonstrations that will help trainees learn.




8. Look back at your list of objectives. Will they be met through the plans you have developed?


If not, adjust your plans accordingly.


Trainees can work with this exercise to begin to plan an actual training session. The trainer of the Training the Trainer session should stress to trainees that the plans they make are not set in stone; however, the exercise may, in fact, lead to a real-life training session.

The exercise takes trainees through the process of designing a training session, step by step. Trainers can facilitate the exercise by reexplaining steps or defining key terms, such as “objectives” or “proficiency demonstrations.” Trainers may show how they would complete the exercise to design a “train the trainer” session or another session.

Questions 1 through 7 focus on a step in the development process, from assessing training needs and listing objectives to developing contents and methods of evaluation. Question 8 asks trainees to review their work by examining it to see if objectives have been met.

Question 8 also illustrates the key point that all aspects of a training session should help trainees to meet the stated objectives of the session. Make sure that trainees understand this concept.

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When trainees have completed the written exercise, reassemble the group for a discussion. You may ask each trainee to present his or her idea for training. Discuss key points, such as stating objectives and designing exercises. The trainer or other trainees may play the role of consultant, offering useful advice.

Make sure that each trainee has completed the exercise and offers some input during the discussion.

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