Fire Safety

Q&A: Fire Extinguishers on Golf Carts

Recently, a subscriber asked the following question:
Are fire extinguishers required to be mounted on electric golf carts that are used in an industrial chemical plant?
Fire extinguishers
This was our response:

There is no OSHA requirement that electric golf carts be equipped with portable fire extinguishers. However, depending on the hazards present in an area where the carts travel, OSHA may have requirements for fire protection in that specific hazardous location.

Also consider relevant national consensus (ANSI/National Golf Car Manu
facturers Association (NGCMA) Z130.1-2004) and manufacturers’ recommendations when operating the golf cart in hazardous areas. OSHA may use consensus standard and manufacturers’ recommendations as evidence of industry hazard recognition. The general duty clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act, is violated if an employer has failed to furnish a workplace that is free from recognized hazards causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm. The general duty clause is used where there is no standard that applies to the particular hazards involved.


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