
Spiders and Ticks and Mosquitoes—Oh My!

When you’re outdoors, there’s always the possibility of a close encounter with a wasp, bee, or other insect that stings or bites. Our Safety Training Tips editor has some tips for treating stings and bites.

You may not feel the sting or bite when it happens, but you’ll probably soon notice swelling, redness, itching, or even pain. Some people have to worry about much more than that, though. If you’re allergic to bites or stings, they could cause hives, dizziness, stomach cramps, or nausea. In rare cases, people feel weak or have trouble breathing or swallowing. In the worst instances, that can lead to unconsciousness, and even shock or death.

There are insects like black flies and tiny red chiggers whose bites cause serious itching. They rarely lead to worse problems, however.

Spider bites are generally harmless, with a few exceptions, such as the bite of the black widow spider. This poisonous spider is glossy black with a red hourglass mark on the stomach. It measures just one-half inch in diameter, and lives in woodpiles, sheds, and basements. The bite itself may not hurt, but it could cause bad stomach pain and cramps, breathing difficulty, and possibly nausea, sweating, twitching, shaking, and tingling in the hand. See a doctor immediately for black widow spider bites.

Also be alert for brown recluse spiders. They’re smaller than black widows and have a white pattern that looks like a violin on their backs. Their bites can be painful and cause some of the same reactions as black widows, but they’re not as dangerous.

Tick bites are a particular concern. Ticks are tiny bugs that live in tall grass or shrubs and often ride on deer, dogs, mice, or people. Some ticks carry serious illnesses such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. You need to identify and treat these illnesses early.

Check yourself and your clothing for ticks when you finish an outdoor job. If one of these tiny insects is on your skin, remove it quickly. Grab the tick with fine-tipped tweezers, getting as close to the skin as possible. Then pull it straight up with steady even pressure so you get all its body parts. If you can’t remove the tick yourself, get medical help to do so. Once it is out, wash the area gently with water and apply rubbing alcohol.

See a doctor immediately if you develop a large red spot from the bite or if you develop swelling, fever, joint pain, or flu-like symptoms within a few weeks. Physicians can treat tick-borne diseases with antibiotics. However, fast treatment is essential for maximum effectiveness.

Mosquitoes can carry a number of dangerous and deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue and yellow fevers, several variations of encephalitis, and West Nile virus. Protect yourself from insect-borne diseases by following these tips:

  • Wear light-colored snug clothes. Don’t use perfumes or colognes.
  • Use insect repellent on skin and clothes. Follow label warnings.
  • Get immediate medical attention for black widow spider bite and difficulty breathing or swallowing.
  • Check for tiny ticks after all outdoor work.
  • Remove tick immediately with fine-tipped tweezers. Grab close to skin, pull entire body straight up. Get medical help if you can’t remove it. Then wash with water and cleanse with rubbing alcohol.
  • Get prompt medical attention if tick bite causes red spot or if swelling, fever, joint pain, or flu-like symptoms develop.


Why It Matters …

  • Ticks are found across the United States, with Lyme disease-causing ticks located mostly in the Eastern half of the country and ticks carrying Rocky Mountain spotted fever located in the Rocky Mountain states.
  • Spiders may seem small, but their bites can cause big problems.
  • Mosquitoes are everywhere in season, and their ubiquity can lead us to see them as a mere nuisance. But they can carry deadly diseases.


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