Injuries and Illness

Simple Solutions for Big Back Problems

Bending, stooping, kneeling, or squatting can put a lot of stress on workers’ backs and lead to costly lost workday injuries. Find out what NIOSH recommends for preventing incidents and injuries

The back safety problem and solutions offered here come from NIOSH’s Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Construction Workers. But the same principles apply to many other workers in a variety of jobs who are at risk for back injuries when working at floor level.


Work at floor level, necessitating a lot of bending, stooping, kneeling, or squatting, can take a toll on the lower back and cause pain. Over time these motions can lead to a serious injury. The risk is higher if workers stoop, squat, or kneel often for long periods of time.

Bending is also a big problem. Bending forward repeatedly every day for months or years can weaken discs in the spine. As the discs are squeezed by bending, they can press on various part of the spine, including nerves. The result is pain. Compromised discs can also rupture. Twisting the body while bending puts even more pressure on discs and other parts of the back.

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  • Change materials or work processes. Use materials and work methods that are less labor-intensive. This can shorten the task, requiring less time in an awkward posture. Rather than using the floor as a workbench, raise the work to waist height using tables, carts, etc.
  • Change tools and/or materials. For example, workers can use tools with extension handles that permit standing while performing a floor-level task.
  • Change work rules. Develop new work rules to reduce the amount of kneeling, stooping, squatting, or bending. When kneeling is unavoidable, provide workers with kneepads and require their use.
  • Change work schedules. Limit time performing floor-level work without at break.
  • Provide training. Train workers to identify back risks and use appropriate methods to avoid stress and strain.


You can download the whole NIOSH publication at Enter "simple solutions ergonomics" in the search box. The booklet includes 20 sets of problems and solutions, some of which you might be able to adapt for your employees.

Unlimited training! Demo the award-winning Employee Training Center. There’s no cost or obligation. Try it.

Award-Winning Training at a Low Price

Whether you need cost-effective training for back safety or a host of other pressing safety and health concerns, you’ll find what you need at BLR’s Employee Training Center.

Unlike many training solutions available on the market today, Employee Training Center courses are routinely reviewed and updated to reflect changes in federal regulations or best practices. Each training course is developed by BLR lawyers, industry experts, and instructional designers who have experience across a wealth of industries, topics, and compliance areas.

Courses keep participants interested with engaging audio, built-in exercises, and key points to remember. At the completion of every course, individuals take a quiz designed to test for competency in all the course material presented. Quiz results and course completion times are automatically recorded.

Every course can be tailored with supporting and custom documents. BLR provides supporting documents for courses that include complete slide show notes and the answer key for the included quiz. As the administrator, you have the option of displaying uploaded documents and requiring review before the session begins. This is especially useful for company policies or worksite-specific information. Supporting materials can be added, edited, or removed at any time.

With only a few minutes’ setup, you company will have a complete Web-based training program with professionally developed courses, employee testing capabilities, and systematic documentation of employee training sessions and scores. And remember, BLR Employee Training Center courses can be delivered at individual employee desks, in computer centers, at training kiosks, or even in a classroom.

No wonder BLR Employee Training Center was named “Best Workforce Training Solution” by the Software Information Industry Association. It can help you launch a cost-effective and successful employee training program.

We urge you to sign up for a no-obligation demo by visiting the award-winning Employee Training Center. Or, feel free to call our customer service people toll-free at 866-696-4827.

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