
The Business Case for Water Conservation

We have all seen water waste—sprinklers running during a rainstorm, dripping restroom faucets, and toilets that won’t stopping running—and think, “Boy, I’d hate to have to pay that water bill.” But more and more, business and industry are facing the fact that harnessing and controlling water usage is a line item that can no longer […]

Hazardous Waste: Permeation Factors and Decontamination Methods

Decontamination is a vital process for employees who handle hazardous wastes because it removes or neutralizes contaminants that have accumulated on personnel and equipment. Decontamination serves the following purposes: It protects workers from hazardous substances that may contaminate and eventually permeate the protective clothing, respiratory equipment, tools, vehicles, and other equipment used on-site. It protects […]

Pesticide Labeling Violations Earn Record Penalty

Pesticide labeling continues to be one of the most violated aspects of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not hesitate to investigate facilities and impose penalties when public health and the environment are at risk. Take a look at what one company did to warrant one […]

Teach Your New Supervisors How to Train Effectively

Do your new supervisors know the importance of training their employees? Do they know the best ways to make their training efforts effective? Today’s Advisor gives you training information to convey to your new supervisors. Training employees is a big part of any supervisor’s job. Whether it’s formal classroom training, safety meetings, on-the-job training, or […]

Successful Safety Audits: Critical Issues

Safety audits help identify hazards, set safety and health goals, and prevent accidents. Before conducting an audit, though, you need to address some practical and legal considerations. How much will the audit cost?A comprehensive safety and health audit can involve a significant investment of resources. Control audit expenses by asking: Do I need a consultant?Unless […]

Workplace Housekeeping: Don’t Sweep It Under the Rug!

Housekeeping is a task that often takes a back seat to other jobs that seem more pressing and important. But good housekeeping is important, too. It helps ensure a safer workplace. Remember the old saying, "A place for everything and everything in its place"? Well, there’s a lot of truth to that dictum, especially at […]