
Picture This! You Using Visuals Effectively in Training

A picture’s worth a thousand words—as long as it is used effectively. In today’s Advisor, we get some expert advice on using visuals for maximum effect in training. Trainers have a tendency to avoid using pictures in training materials, but “all of the research on learning with pictures indicates that pictures used in combination with […]

The Risk of MSDs from Tasks That Add No Value to the Product

Yesterday, we looked at the potential ergonomic pitfalls of lean manufacturing. Today, we look at the flip side: “non-value-added tasks.” What if you could reduce your manufacturing costs, improve productivity, and prevent ergonomic injuries all at once? Sound too good to be true? It may not be, according to Chris Shulenberger, Certified Professional Ergonomist with […]

Lean Manufacturing: When More Efficiency Leads to Aching Backs

“Don’t let your lean manufacturing become anorexic,” says Certified Professional Ergonomist Chris Shulenberger, M.S. Engr., and Technical Director for Ergonomics with Bureau Veritas North America. If you do, you’ll pay the price. Over the last decade, many manufacturers have embraced “lean manufacturing,” a strategy to eliminate wasted time, motion, and storage by streamlining production, altering […]

Innovative Safety Ideas: Part 2

Yesterday, we explained how Cintas® Corporation is making workers safer by innovating. Today, we introduce you to another VPP worksite where innovative programs are also improving safety performance. Morton Salt’s Grantsville, Utah, facility is one of the company’s four worksites to have earned VPP Star status. About 10 years back, the Grantsville plant had received […]