
Was Failure to Attend Training Sessions Grounds for Termination?

Employees may be required to participate in a certain number of safety training sessions each year. But what happens if they don’t? A veteran firefighter in Ohio, who thought the department’s training classes were not worthwhile and attended only a fraction of required sessions, was terminated for gross neglect of duty. What Happened? "Christopher" worked […]

Near-Miss Reporting: The Cornerstone of Effective Accident Prevention

According to the National Safety Council, most accidents are preceded by at least one near miss. That makes near-miss reporting a cornerstone of effective accident prevention. Identification of near-miss incidents is a leading indicator of safety performance. Near-miss incident reports can be used to identify a pattern of undesirable events that enable you to correct […]

The Truth About Accident Prevention

Accident prevention is at the core of every effective workplace safety plan. That’s because when you prevent accidents, you also prevent injuries and illness, pain and suffering, high costs, low morale, and sagging productivity. Common sense tells us that there are two basic approaches to preventing accidents: Controlling the work environment Managing the attitude and […]

Study Links Safety Investments with Improved Performance and Productivity

Everybody knows investments in workplace safety and health prevent accidents and injuries. But a new study indicates that are other bottom-line benefits as well. If you need some more ammunition to convince your top management and managers throughout your organization of the value of investing dollars and time in workplace safety and health, you’ll be […]