
Foster Common Sense and Enhance It with Good Training

Here’s a small company with some big safety achievements. The key to their success is focusing on “real work/most likely situations.” React Environment Professional Services Group, Inc. (REPSG) is a Philadelphia environmental remediation firm with just 25 employees who perform assessments and cleanups. When asked what led this small company to big safety success, Charlene […]

Have Your S&H Programs Got That Special Something?

Today and tomorrow, we highlight two companies that have discovered that special something that drives value in their safety and health programs. Learn how they got there and the difference it has made. “Commitment” is among the most overused words in the safety universe, but at Strick Trailers, commitment really is the driving force. Strick […]

Protect Outdoor Workers from Poisonous Plants

One of the most common health risks outdoors is contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac. Many people get an itchy rash if they touch these plants—or if they touch clothes or tools that touched the plants. The rash may swell and get bumpy and blister, and possibly ooze or scab. Some people […]

Safety Policies: Guides to Action and Decision Making

Well-written safety policies guide employees at all levels in your organization to make appropriate decisions that promote workplace safety and health and assure compliance with OSHA regulations. Policies are guides to action and decision making under a given set of circumstances. Policies ensure consistency and compliance with the law within a framework of corporate objectives […]

Are Your Policies Creating a Safer Workplace or Collecting Dust?

Safety and health policies that reflect commitment, define expectations, and articulate consequences can make a difference in protecting workers. How and what it takes to make that happen are subjects of today’s Advisor. A safety policy is a plan that details how to manage safety and health issues. A good policy establishes commitment to managing […]

How to Encourage Interaction and Participation in Training

Interaction and participation in safety training mean trainees are more likely to learn—and retain what they learn. “Assigning prework gets learners involved in the training process before the course even begins,” says Jason Lindstrom, CEO of Rapport Leadership International ( Prework gets them thinking in advance about the training topic and how it affects their […]

7 Secrets to Attention-Grabbing Safety Training

You’re knocking yourself out training, but are your trainees learning? According to studies of adult learners, your trainees may be paying a lot less attention to vital safety training than you think. Most studies of adult attention spans agree that for most adults the outer limit is about 20 minutes. The longer a training session […]

Help Workers Put Their Best Foot (Protection) Forward

Basic foot protection is a sturdy shoe or boot made of leather, rubber, or a synthetic. It has an impact-resistant toe—usually steel—and nonskid soles with rubber or synthetic treads to prevent slips and falls. Other possible protections workers may need in shoes or boots are: Metal insoles or reinforced soles to protect against puncture Nonconducting […]

Planning for Emergency Closings

The decision to close your workplace in an emergency should be an integral part of emergency planning and not a spur-of-the-moment afterthought. You should have a detailed plan for closing your facility, including: What circumstances will lead to a closing Who makes the decision How the decision is communicated What to do about employee compensation […]

Emergency Preparedness and Response by the Book

OSHA has a lot to say about emergency preparedness and response. Do you know where to find all the rules? A hurricane blasts through South Florida causing more than $25 billion in damage. A fire rips through a food processing plant, killing 25. An explosion at a refinery injures 100 and leaves 15 dead. A […]