Category: Medical/Laboratories

Biological Safety Cabinets Protect Workers Against Biological Hazards

Laboratory workers who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals can protect themselves by isolating those chemicals inside a chemical fume hood. Workers exposed to biological agents must also take steps to isolate themselves from infectious hazards with a slightly different type of protective enclosure: a biological safety cabinet (BSC).

Fume Hoods Protect Workers Against Chemical Hazards

Laboratories are a unique environment when it comes to chemical hazards. Laboratory workers use a broad variety of chemicals, in relatively small quantities, and in combinations and bench-scale procedures that may be unlike anything found in a larger-scale operation. But that doesn’t mean that their chemical exposures are insignificant. In fact, lab workers may be […]

Many Dental Offices Aren’t Keeping Up with Bloodborne Pathogen Rules

An online survey found that more than a quarter of dental practices did not have a written bloodborne pathogens (BBP) control plan as required by OSHA. The survey was conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention, a dental industry organization. Findings were published […]

Lab safety

Implementing a Comprehensive EHS Management System on a Laboratory Scale

Laboratories need EHS management systems, just like any business does. To help them create a comprehensive system that works for a lab, the National Research Council (U.S.) Committee on Prudent Practices in the Laboratory publication has provided guidance in its “Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards.”

junior doctors

Software from NIOSH Tracks Health Worker Incidents

Hospitals, doctors’ offices, and other healthcare employers are required to track sharps incidents and blood and body fluid exposures. New software modules from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) make it easier to analyze this essential data and use it to plan and monitor interventions.

What Are Healthcare Workers Saying About Anesthetic Gases?

Results of a recently released survey of healthcare workers who provide anesthesia care show that many are not following recommended practices when administering anesthetics. Healthcare employers should review the survey and buck up their safety programs where they think training for their employees who administer anesthetics is lacking.