Category: Training

Training is the number one element in accident, incident, and illness avoidance. Check the articles here frequently for the latest and best tips on techniques, trends, programs and equipment. We offer explanations for group, one-one, or self-directed situations, in both general and specific work activities. Your training will be both easier and more effective if you do.

Nail Gun Accidents – Is OSHA Missing the Point?

With a recent spike in nail gun injuries, some researchers say that many tragedies could be avoided if federal authorities would ban the fastest—and most dangerous—of the devices. Sitting in a pickup truck with a 2½-inch nail lodged in his chest, Manuel Murillo was able to call his wife on his cell phone and tell […]

Taking the Pain Out of Hearing Protection Training

MP3 music players join a long list of potential sources of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) in the workplace. Here are some suggestions for painlessly training your workers on the dangers of NIHL and on the proper use of hearing protection equipment. In yesterday’s Advisor, we told you about the threat of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) […]

Beware New Headphones: These ‘Buds’ May Not Be for You

iPods and MP3 players present a new risk of workplace hearing loss, particularly when used with earbud-style headphones. Here are some steps to reduce these and other hearing-loss risks. You see it all around you … good hearing gone bad. Or at least going bad, according to recent studies warning that high-volume iPods and MP3 […]

Coffee Break Safety Training: How to Do It

Not all safety training needs to take an hour. Some lessons can be learned in 5 to 15 minutes. Today, our Safety Training Tips Editor focuses on just what they are. Need to train in safety but little time to do it? You’d be amazed at how much you can cover in just 5, 10, […]

The ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of Safety Training Tools

Today’s expert advises training materials with varied formats that go beyond simple verbal lectures. Here’s one that trains in 25 different subjects at a single low cost. . Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion of consultant Ben Wurtmann’s concept of safety training that goes beyond simple accident avoidance to the point that it also improves work […]

Try Safety Training Plus, Expert Urges

A noted industrial safety consultant explains that the training can be about more than just accident avoidance. It can actually help workers do their jobs better. When is safety training more than just safety training? The answer: When it also helps workers do their jobs better. That’s more than possible, says Ben Wurtmann of New […]

The ADHD Employee: Attention Getting Strategies for Safety Training

You can’t change workers’ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) issues with reeducation or disciplinary measures. Here are some things you can do. Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion of ADHD-affected employees and their challenges to workplace safety. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, to use ADHD’s official name, is a neurological issue that causes an inability to concentrate […]

Workers with ADHD: Can You Train Them in Safety?

Employees with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often can’t seem to get it when it comes to safety. Here’s why: At your monthly safety meeting, you’ve just given a group of employees some important information to look over before a discussion of the subject, followed by a quiz. After about 10 minutes, you wander through […]

Make a Difference This National Safety Month

“Make a Difference” is the theme of this month’s National Safety Month celebration. The National Safety Council says that you and your employees can make a significant safety difference on the job, on the road, at home, and in the community by focusing on four key safety issues this month—emergency preparedness, distracted driving, poisoning, and […]

Is Your Safety Training Up to Date?

In today’s fast moving workplace, nothing stays the same for long. That principle applies to safety hazards, too, which means that safety training has to constantly race to catch up. This Friday, our Safety Training Tips Editor offers aids to get… and keep you … up to speed. There’s no shortage of places to look […]