EHS Daily Advisor Comments Policy

The EHS Daily Advisor seeks to provide environment, health, and safety (EHS) professionals, managers, and executives with a community where they can engage in positive, civil discussion of best practices and current challenges surrounding EHS that they have experienced within their organizations. Our comments section, facilitated by the Disqus platform, is reserved specifically for these professionals and their exchanges of ideas.

Safety professionals

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Every comment within this forum is subject to moderation before it goes live, and we are grateful for your patience in this process, as no system is perfect. We appreciate that some EHS professionals may wish to remain anonymous so that they can freely discuss challenges and best practices regarding their situations involving management, employees, etc., without compromising the privacy of themselves, others, or their organizations, but this anonymity will be paired with close moderation.

To be approved, a comment must be:

  • Relevant to both the article’s content and how it relates specifically to the EHS profession;
  • Civil and professional in tone and presentation—when in doubt, imagine that you are having a face-to-face conversation with a colleague at a conference, and conduct yourself accordingly; and
  • Made in good-faith support of the overall mission of EHS.

Any comment perceived as an attempt to attack, intimidate, mislead, discourage, undercut, or debase an EHS professional and/or his or her work in the profession will not be approved.

A few other tips for EHS Daily Advisor comments:

  • Links and other media within the post will make it less likely that your comment will be approved, especially if it looks like an attempt to overtly promote a product or service in this forum. We welcome EHS solutions providers and vendors into our community, as they play important roles, but if you wish to directly advertise on the publication, please contact our sales team.
  • We encourage our community to ask questions of each other and share ideas related to EHS, including on compliance-related matters. But note that we do not provide legal advice or recommend that legal advice be sought in this forum. Consult with your organization’s counsel or with a regulatory agency regarding legal compliance specific to your situation.
  • This is not a forum for calling out employers either for EHS failings or because you are in disagreement with their environment, health, and safety rules that have been established in good faith (see above re: undercutting or debasing EHS professionals). You should report any suspected EHS violations to the appropriate regulatory authority; comments that scoff at their organization’s EHS programs or procedures in bad faith also will not be approved.
  • Moderators will not answer questions posed in the forum.
  • Moderators do not have a sense of humor that we’re aware of, and we can’t see you winking while you type. If you genuinely mean a comment in jest, we recommend clearly labeling it as such, including such common labels as “j/k” (just kidding) or “/s” (sarcasm intended). We’re not wild about “LOL,” just as a matter of course, but will probably let it slide. Oh, and j/k about us not having a sense of humor.

We’re looking forward to providing you with a positive forum that can be a helpful resource for you and your EHS career, and we appreciate your readership. The EHS profession is more important than ever today, and we greatly value your efforts. Thank you!

Policy last updated May 12, 2020.
