Tag: UST

What’s Happening with USTs in 2012

Secondary containment requirements for new and replaced tanks and piping Operator training requirements Periodic operation and maintenance requirements for UST systems New release prevention and detection technologies The amendments will also remove certain deferrals; update codes of practice; and update state program approval requirements to incorporate these new changes.

What to Do with Your UST After a Flood

Also, in less catastrophic conditions, a UST system that has been prepared for the risks posed by surface-level floodwater or rising groundwater can be brought back online relatively quickly. If the UST has been in a flood, the following actions, depending on site-specific conditions, are recommended: Do not assume everything is OK because water didn’t […]

Saving Your UST from Floods

Even if you have insurance to cover repairs, bringing a damaged UST back up to code can be a lengthy process, particularly if the flooding is widespread and qualified UST contractors are in high demand. Furthermore, loss of product can lead to environmental pollution and the attendant remediation obligations and costs. If You are in […]

Automatic Tank Gauging Systems: Getting Your Money’s Worth

Get to know your ATGS. Get clear instructions from the installer on how to use your ATGS. Check that your ATGS is always on and plugged in to a power source. The ATGS cannot monitor leaks if it’s off. Believe it or not, EPA says, plenty of citations have been handed out after inspectors found […]

An Easy Recordkeeping Checklist for USTs

Here’s a UST checklist to help you out with the paperwork: Have owners and operators kept on file the following information (40 CFR 280.34(b)): Corrosion expert’s analysis of site-corrosion potential if corrosion-protection equipment not used (40 CFR 280.20)? Documentation of operation of corrosion protection equipment (40 CFR 280.31)? Documentation of UST system repairs (40 CFR […]