Avoiding Stormwater Pollution Due to Ice and Snow

As snow melts, it is considered stormwater runoff, transporting road salt, sand litter, and other pollutants into surface water or through soil leading to groundwater, polluting waterways and drinking water supplies. But of course, making walking and driving areas safe is of high importance. Is it possible to maintain stormwater runoff quality while at the […]

Emerging Treatment Stormwater Best Management Practices for Roadways

1. Ecology embankment. Also known as bioslopes, ecology embankments are modified filter strips that contain a soil mix to improve water quality, reduce runoff volume, and reduce erosion frequency. They are easily incorporated into standard fill slopes, are well proven and field tested, are nonproprietary, and largely last the life of the roadway. 2. Permeable […]

What Will Be Happening with Pesticides in 2012

She points out that mandated by a 2009 court decision, EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Pesticide General Permit (PGP) went into effect for point source discharges from pesticide application to U.S. waters. The PGP is believed to be the first permitting requirement of its type many small farmers will face in 2012. State-issued […]