Tag: Pollution Prevention

EPA’s National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution

On November 21, 2024, the EPA released the “National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution: Part Three of a Series on Building a Circular Economy for All,” which outlines opportunities for action to protect communities from the impacts of plastic production and waste and details how government agencies, businesses, nonprofits, and communities can take additional action […]

EPA Releases Preliminary 2020 Toxics Release Inventory Data

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published preliminary 2020 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data about chemical releases, chemical waste management, and pollution prevention activities. The data covers activities that occurred at nearly 21,000 federal and industrial facilities across the U.S., and includes the first-ever reporting on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) added to the TRI […]

Colorado Whistleblower Complaint Launches Air Permitting Investigation

On July 1, 2021, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser announced that attorneys at Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP have been appointed as special assistant attorneys general to conduct an independent investigation into “allegations regarding alleged improper non-enforcement of air quality standards as alleged by certain Air Pollution Control Division staff at the Colorado Department of […]

8 Tips for Reporting Your P2 Activities

While it is our contention that in this day and age most facilities are engaged in some sort of P2 to reduce chemical use and waste production, as we reported in yesterday’s Advisor, only 16% of all TRI facilities reported their P2 activities for reporting year 2013. The EPA would like to up that percentage […]

Build a Rain Garden into Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

The development and implementation of the BMP is what ultimately decides the effectiveness of an SWPPP. In managing stormwater, BMPs can be broken down into two types: structural BMPs and nonstructural BMPs. Today, we will focus on structural BMPs (which as you can imagine are physical structures) in the form of rain gardens. EcoGro, based […]

2013 TRI National Analysis—Pollution Prevention and Waste Management

2013 TRI National Analysis—Pollution Prevention and Waste Management One of the biggest challenges for anyone that produces toxic chemical wastes is to find ways to minimize disposal. The generally followed hierarchy of choices begins with source reduction, and moves down to recycling, then energy recovery, treatment, and finally, disposal or other releases. During the past […]

Simple Steps for Minimizing Stormwater Pollution—Part 2

Simple Steps for Minimizing Stormwater Pollution—Part 2 5) Although many facilities are required by different regulations to implement spill prevention, control, and cleanup plans, even those that are not should consider the potential benefits. The EPA recommends the following aspects to incorporate in such plans: Spill prevention is the best way to avoid contaminated runoff […]

Simple Steps for Minimizing Stormwater Pollution

Simple Steps for Minimizing Stormwater Pollution Stormwater runoff is the major contributor to the ongoing degradation of our nation’s surface and groundwater. Although we cannot control precipitation, there are plenty of ways to control its impact through measures that are both common sense and required by law. Here are some of EPA’s recommended measures for […]

An Urban Stormwater Success Story in the Making

An Urban Stormwater Success Story in the Making It’s been said that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but sometimes that grease can also get the wheel turning faster, as was the case in Omaha, Nebraska. Like many urban areas, the city had experienced adverse impacts from stormwater runoff, including one event when stormwater caused […]

EPA’s Strategy for Saving Our Urban Waters

EPA’s Strategy for Saving Our Urban Waters EPA’s Urban Waters program was created in alignment with the America’s Great Outdoors (AGO) Initiative launched by President Obama to reconnect people with conservation and outdoor recreation. While the Urban Waters program is not a regulatory program per se, it embraces a range of activities that may include […]