Category: Personal Protective Equipment

No safety technology is changing as fast as that employed in PPE. The devices of just a few years ago are now obsolete by replacements that are lighter, easier to use, and more protective. These resources alert you to developments in the field, and equally important, supply training ideas to get your workers to use their PPE, and use it correctly.

Free Special Report: Does Your PPE Program Meet OSHA’s Requirements?

Select the Right Gloves to Prevent Employee Hand Injuries

OSHA says 70 percent of workers sustaining hand injuries were not wearing gloves, and that the other 30 percent were wearing improper or damaged gloves. These estimates underscore the need for proper glove selection and care. Some general glove use and care instructions for your next safety meeting on hand protection include: Make sure the […]

PPE? Yes, Sir!

When you can’t eliminate a hazard any other way, it’s your duty under the law to provide apparel or gear to protect the worker from that hazard.

Are Your Employees On Board with PPE Requirements?

Here’s one employer that takes personal protective equipment (PPE) very seriously and does everything possible to encourage employees to do likewise. CSX is one of the nation’s leading transportation suppliers. Its transportation network encompasses about 21,000 miles of track in 23 states, the District of Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. Barry Morton is the former head […]

Eye Safety Checklist

How many jobs in your facility could be performed by someone wearing a blindfold? Even a relatively minor eye injury can send a worker home for the day, so it makes not only safety sense but also business sense to protect workers’ eyes. March is Workplace Eye Health and Safety Month, which makes this an […]

What Workers Need to Know About Eyewashes and Safety Showers

When a worker gets hazardous substances in the eyes or on the skin, seconds count. Make sure your workers can get to an eyewash station or safety shower quickly and know how to use it properly. A worker mixes chemicals incorrectly, and they explode in his face. Another drops a bottle, and the chemical splashes […]

Fall Protection: What OSHA Requires

Falls are a leading cause of workplace injury and death. Fall protection also routinely makes OSHA’s Top 10 Violations list every year. Employees fall for many reasons: unstable working surfaces, improperly positioned ladders, misuse of fall protection, and unprotected sides and edges of working surfaces. OSHA says that you must set up your worksite to […]

Workers Ignoring Fall Protection? Research Offers Possible Solutions

Despite the significant risk of injury or death, construction workers continue to work at heights without fall protection. A recently published study examines the reasons for this and offers solutions that could prevent an accident or save a life. The researchers/authors of Fall Protection in Residential Construction Sites, which appeared in the July issue of […]

Assign PPE? Not Before a Hazard Assessment You Don’t!

OSHA requires a thorough hazard assessment before PPE is selected and assigned to employees. Find out more. If you were a NFL coach, you wouldn’t send your team out on the field without helmets and shoulder pads. If you were a NASA manager, you wouldn’t send an astronaut for a space walk without a space […]

PPE Maker Opens Houston Facility to See, Touch, and Try Products

Honeywell, which manufactures PPE, fire alarm systems, and other products, has opened a $3 million facility to demonstrate their safety products and systems and train people to use them. Honeywell Life Safety President Mark Levy says the company chose Houston for its new safety product showcase because of its concentration of global oil and gas, […]

PPE: Is Your ‘Simple Solution’ Too Good to Be True?

Most of us have encountered a deal that was too good to be true. Could your approach to workplace safety and PPE also be too good to be true? Take a look at these “simple solutions” to workplace hazards, and consider whether you may need to look a little more closely. Disposable Foam Earplugs. If […]