Tag: American Society of Safety Professionals

Safety Coalition Urges Employers to Go Beyond Compliance

A coalition of safety organizations urged employers to go beyond legal compliance and adopt risk-based safety and health strategies to protect their workers, the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) announced March 5. The Intersociety Forum (ISF) of two dozen safety-focused organizations includes the ASSP, the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), the Board of Certified […]

ASSP Releases New Construction Worker Training Standard

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) released a new industry consensus standard for construction and demolition worker environment, health, and safety training, the ASSP announced February 18. “Safety, Health and Environmental Training for Construction and Demolition Operations” (American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ASSP A10.2-2025) establishes training best practices to help organizations in the United States […]

Faces of EHS: Monique Parker on the Future of Safety Professionals

With a new year approaching, many in the EHS industry are wondering what’s ahead in 2025 and beyond. According to Monique Parker, the future of safety professionals is “extremely bright.” Parker currently serves as the senior vice president of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), meaning she is in line to become president-elect of […]

ASSP Updates Standards on Safety Training and Hazardous Energy

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has revised two workplace safety standards that enable organizations to better protect workers and improve daily operations to achieve a higher level of business success. One standard guides the development of effective safety training while the other helps control hazardous energy that can seriously harm workers. ANSI/ASSP Z490.1-2024, […]

ASSP Revises Construction and Demolition Planning Standard

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has updated a key national voluntary consensus standard for construction and demolition sites, which are among the most hazardous work environments. The revised standard is helping to elevate World Standards Week, an event held Nov. 12-14 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to promote best practices in […]

Faces of EHS: Hanne Stahl on Being a Lifelong Learner

Inspired by her late husband, Hanne Stahl is a long-time safety professional who strives to keep learning everything she can. She urges others in the industry to do the same. Stahl is an EHS manager at ESFM, the integrated facilities management division of Compass Group serving clients across several industries. She joined the company six […]

ASSP Expects its Biggest Annual Meeting

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) expects its annual Safety 2024 Professional Development Conference and Expo to be its largest event ever, the ASSP announced May 29. The group’s annual workplace safety education event is scheduled for August 7–9 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. The group’s largest conference and exposition to date […]

ASSP Takes Anti-Child Labor Position

On April 2, the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) announced a formal position opposing “exploitative” child labor. The professional association and consensus standards-setting group called for establishing legislation and regulation to prohibit exploitative child labor practices and adding specific language to global standards that facilitates prevention and steps occupational safety and health professionals should […]

ASSP Publishes Standard Addressing Heat Stress in Construction

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has published the first national voluntary consensus standard addressing heat stress for workers in construction and demolition operations. “This new industry consensus standard is an important development because there is no federal regulation focused on heat stress,” said ASSP President Jim Thornton, CSP, CIH, FASSP, FAIHA, in a […]

ASSP Updates Safety Standard for Communications Structures

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has published a revision to its voluntary national consensus safety standard covering the latest safety practices and training recommendations for the construction, demolition, modification, and maintenance of communication structures. The updated ANSI/ASSP A10.48 standard will be effective on January 1, 2024. The digital standard establishes minimum criteria that […]