Tag: biofuels

EPA Makes Higher Ethylene Fuel Available Year-Round

On February 21, 2025, the EPA announced it will allow the year-round sale of higher ethylene E15 fuel. The biofuel industry, corn growers, and lawmakers from the Midwest have requested annual sales of this type of fuel for many years. “E15 is a blend of 15% ethanol and 85% gasoline,” states the Iowa Renewable Fuels […]

PBT Flame Retardant Added to TRI

In one of its major end-of-year actions, the EPA on Wednesday released its final renewal fuel standards (RFS) for 2017 and, for biomass-based diesel, for 2018. The Agency increased the RFS percentages across all categories of biofuels, an action that was welcomed by RFS advocates and criticized by the petroleum industry as burdening consumers with […]

Compatibility Requirements for USTs with Blended Fuels

In today’s world, underground storage tanks (USTs) contain an assortment of products ranging from gasoline to diesel to biofuels to hazardous chemical substances. Because of the wide swath of fuels and chemical substances available, it is imperative for tank owners to ensure that the tank itself is compatible with the substance stored. Storing certain fuels […]