Tag: deregulation

President Orders Deregulatory Review

President Donald J. Trump ordered all federal agencies to compile lists of regulations for possible removal in an Executive Order (E.O. 14219) signed February 19 and published February 25 (90 Fed. Reg. 10583). The president directed agency heads to conduct a process of regulatory review, coordinating with the director of the Office of Management and […]

Agencies Ordered to Remove 10 Rules, Guidelines for Each New One

Under an Executive Order (E.O.) signed January 31 by President Donald Trump, all federal agencies must now identify 10 existing regulations or guidance documents to be repealed for each new rule, regulation, or guidance promulgated (E.O. 14192, 90 Fed. Reg. 9065). The E.O. also directs the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to ensure agencies […]

Time to Prepare for the Trump Wave of Change in EPA Regulations: Part 2

Regulated industry is breathing a collective sigh of relief with Donald Trump’s win of a second term as president of the United States, knowing deregulation is certainly on the way. Having already seen one Trump administration in action, it’s fairly easy to predict some expected changes in environmental policy that will result from a Trump […]

Time to Prepare for the Trump Wave of Change in EPA Regulations: Part 1

Regulated industry is breathing a collective sigh of relief with Donald Trump’s win of a second term as president of the United States, knowing deregulation is certainly on the way. Having already seen one Trump administration in action, it’s fairly easy to predict some changes in environmental policy that will result from a Trump 2.0 […]


EPA Releases Spring 2020 Regulatory Agenda, Priorities

The EPA has released its Spring 2020 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. Known as the Spring Agenda, this report provides public updates about planned regulatory activity for the federal government for the next 12 months.

white house

A Look at EPA Deregulation Related to Pandemic Relief EO

Executive Order (EO) 13924, issued in response to COVID-19 by President Donald Trump on May 19, 2020, authorized federal agencies to provide regulatory relief to support recovery of the economy. Trump characterized this order as giving agencies “tremendous power” to cut regulations seen to hinder economic recovery.

EPA, Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Issues (De-)Regulatory Agenda, Priorities for 2020

The EPA’s commitment to regulatory reform through deregulation is evident in the Agency’s latest Regulatory Agenda. The 145 entries on the Agency’s Fall 2019 Rule List include 56 actions that are expected to be deregulatory; these actions follow the 47 deregulatory amendments the EPA says it has already finalized under President Donald Trump.

EPA Headquarters

Report Details EPA’s Aggressive Implementation of Deregulatory Agenda

Among the actions President Donald Trump has taken to reform the issuance of federal regulations, none exceed Executive Order (EO) 13771, Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs (January 30, 2017) in originality. That action stipulated that for every new regulation, the issuing federal agency must identify at least two prior regulations for repeal, replacement, or […]