Tag: Renewable Fuel Standard

Outgoing U.S. Ag Chief Critical of EPA Biofuel Report

In one of his final actions before leaving office, outgoing U.S. Agriculture Chief Tom Vilsack harshly criticized the EPA’s 2025 Biofuels and the Environment Report. “The Third Report concludes that the effect of the Renewable Fuel Standard Program varies with time and the RFS Program had a modest positive effect on biofuel production and consumption […]

Senators Say Biofuel Program Hurts Big Oil

Seventeen Republican senators on August 23 sent EPA Administrator Michael Regan a letter urging him to waive or significantly lower the 2020 renewable volume obligation (RVO) for Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) compliance and set the 2021 and 2022 “RVOs at levels that comport with reality.” Led by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., and joined by 16 […]

Renewable fuel standard, biofuel, corn

RFS Small Refinery Exemptions Vacated by Court

The ethanol industry, as well as the agricultural sectors that provide the raw materials for the production of ethanol, welcomed an opinion by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit that vacated decisions by the EPA to extend exemptions to renewable fuel obligations to three small refineries. The panel’s basic […]

Fuel for vehicle

Industry Says EPA’s Ethanol Fix Falls Short

Less than 2 weeks after the White House said it would reallocate billions of gallons (gal) of ethanol waived under the small refinery exemption (SRE) allowed under by federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), the EPA announced an approach that farmers and ethanol manufacturers say fails to satisfy that assurance.

Renewable fuel standard, biofuel, corn

Proposed RFS Obligations Widely Met with Dissatisfaction

The EPA’s proposed 2020 Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) for petroleum refiners, which are required under the Clean Air Act’s Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), were greeted with almost universal disapproval from the ethanol industry and the farmers who grow crops that are converted into ethanol.