The steps in the decontamination process vary depending on the hazards involved, the equipment available, and the terrain and circumstances. However, this list is typical of what would be set up for a complex decontamination.
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Station 1: Segregated Equipment Drop
Deposit equipment used on-site (tools, sampling devices and containers, monitoring instruments, radios, clipboards) on plastic drop cloths or in different containers with plastic liners. During hot weather operations, a cool-down station may be set up within this area.
Station 2: Boot Cover and Glove Wash
Scrub outer boot covers and gloves with decontamination (decon) solution or detergent/water.
Station 3: Boot Cover and Glove Rinse
Rinse off decon solution from station 2 using copious amounts of water.
Station 4: Tape Removal
Remove tape around boots and gloves and deposit in container with plastic liner.
Station 5: Boot Cover Removal
Remove boot covers and deposit in container with plastic liner.
Station 6: Outer Glove Removal
Remove outer gloves and deposit in container with plastic liner.
Station 7: Suit and Boot Wash
Wash encapsulating suit and boots using scrub brush and decon solution or detergent/water. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Station 8: Suit and Boot Rinse
Rinse off decon solution using water. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Station 9: Tank Change
If an air tank change is desired, this is the last step in the decon procedure. Air tank is exchanged, new outer gloves and boot covers donned, and joints taped. Worker returns to duty.
Station 10: Safety Boot Removal
Remove safety boots and deposit in container with plastic liner.
Meet your OSHA-required 8-, 24-, or 40-hour HAZWOPER training requirements with a DVD that contains 17 customizable PowerPoint presentations and a manual training kit. Get the details.
Station 11: Fully Encapsulating Suit and Hard Hat Removal
Fully encapsulated suit is removed with assistance of a helper and laid out on a drop cloth or hung up. Hard hat is removed.
Station 12: SCBA Backpack Removal
While still wearing face piece, remove backpack and place on table. Disconnect hose from regulator valve and proceed to next station.
Station 13: Inner Glove Wash
Wash with decon solution that will not harm the skin. Repeat as often as necessary.
Station 14: Inner Glove Rinse
Rinse with water. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Station 15: Face Piece Removal
Remove face piece. Deposit in container with plastic liner. Avoid touching face with fingers.
Station 16: Inner Glove Removal
Remove inner gloves and deposit in container with liner.
Station 17: Inner Clothing Removal
Remove clothing and place in lined container. Do not wear inner clothing off-site since there is a possibility that small amounts of contaminants might have been transferred in removing the fully encapsulating suit.
Station 18: Field Wash
Shower if highly toxic, skin-corrosive or skin- absorbable materials are known or suspected to be present. Wash hands and face if shower is not available.
Station 19: Redress
Put on clean clothes.
You won’t find a more thorough and effective course related to hazardous waste operations to help meet the employee training requirements of OSHA’s HAZWOPER regulation than BLR’s HAZWOPER Training Program. Find out more.
Rely on the Highest Level of HAZWOPER Training
If you’re looking for high-quality, highly effective HAZWOPER training materials, you are looking for BLR’s HAZWOPER Training Program. This unique program includes 17 customizable PowerPoint training presentations on DVD, a 200+page HAZWOPER training manual with tests, handouts, and an electronic version on CD-ROM! The handy outline tells you exactly what to present and when to meet either the 8-,24, or 40-hour requirements!
With this program, you’ll:
Meet the 8-, 24-, and 40-hour HAZWOPER training requirements. Combine this comprehensive library with hands-on training to meet the 40-hour HAZWOPER training requirements.
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Save time and money with ready-to-use and accurate training materials.
Ensure your training is effective. Employees will learn how to recognize, properly handle, and dispose of hazardous materials with this invaluable HAZWOPER safety training.
The DVD includes:
- Identifying Hazardous Materials
- Hazardous Waste Introductory Training
- Safe Chemical Handling
- Respiratory Protection
- HAZWOPER: On-Site Safety Considerations
- Hazardous Waste Emergency Response
- HAZWOPER Facility Operations
- HAZWOPER First Awareness Level
- HAZWOPER: Medical Surveillance Program
- Understanding Chemicals Under GHS
- PPE for Emergency Response
- HAZWOPER: Donning/Doffing/Decontamination
- Hazardous Materials Spill Cleanup
- Working Safely with Flammable Liquids
- Fire Extinguishers
- Emergency Action and Fire Prevention
- Hazard Communication and GHS: What Employees Need to Know
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