Infographic: Struck-By Hazards
Struck-by incidents are a leading cause of death and nonfatal injuries in construction. Here’s what you need to know about preventing struck-by hazards.
Modern safety management goes beyond covering traditional workplace accidents to now being equally concerned with illnesses caused on and even off the job. This section will explain what you need to know to avoid both injuries and illnesses, and to track your progress in reaching this goal.
Free Special REport: Does Your PPE Program Meet OSHA’s Requirements?
Struck-by incidents are a leading cause of death and nonfatal injuries in construction. Here’s what you need to know about preventing struck-by hazards.
A combination of technical failures and unsafe operational practices at the Marathon Martinez Renewables facility in Martinez, California, led to a November 19, 2023, fire, according to a final report issued March 13 by the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB). During the facility’s initial start-up of a renewable diesel hydroprocessing unit, a […]
Back to Basics is a weekly feature that highlights important but possibly overlooked information that any EHS professional should know. This week, we examine how to leverage your safety culture to control hazards. Are you concerned with your company’s recordable injury rate or your workers’ compensation experience modification (Xmod) rate? You may want to look at […]
The National Safety Council (NSC) has released a guide to the surveillance of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), the group announced February 24. The report, “The Importance of Musculoskeletal Disorder and Related Injury Surveillance: An Organizational Approach,” was published through the MSD Solutions Lab, the NSC’s initiative established in 2021 with funding from Amazon to address work-related […]
The National Safety Council (NSC) recently showcased six potential solutions for heat stress risks through its Work to Zero Safety Innovation Challenge, the group announced on February 25. For the winner of the challenge, the NSC chose Apex Cool Labs, whose winning technological solution is a palm-cooling device engineered to combat heat stress and improve […]
Here’s what you need to know about the National Safety Council’s updated serious injury and fatality (SIF) prevention model.
The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board’s (CSB) YouTube channel, @USCSB, which features the agency’s safety videos, now has 365,000 subscribers. The CSB recently received a Silver Play Button award from YouTube for having more than 100,000 subscribers, the board announced February 14. The CSB is an independent federal government board that investigates industrial […]
Employers must implement workplace safety measures to protect the lives of their employees. Warehouse professionals must follow these measures as it is a matter of life and death. According to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, there were more than 5,283 fatal work injuries in 2023. Warehouse professionals should wear proper protective clothing as a […]
In an analysis released before publication on February 13, Dr. David Michaels, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) longest-serving administrator (from 2009 to 2017), suggested that using injury data from OSHA and other sources can help reduce the risk of work-related injuries. Michaels is now a professor of environmental and occupational health at George […]
Smelly Mel’s Plumbing and Sewer Rat Plumbing face a total of $529,640 in state fines for violating safety regulations that resulted in serious injuries to a construction worker during a trench collapse in San Mateo, California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) announced February 10. Cal/OSHA cited the two employers after finding a total […]