Safety Culture

Safety Round The Clock

Don’t let your workers leave safety at work at the end of the day. Safety is a 24-hour enterprise. Unfortunately, people tend to take chances at home that they would never consider taking under the watchful eye of their supervisor at work.

For instance, how many employees wear safety glasses using a drill at home? Yet, most wouldn’t think of doing the same chore at work without eye protection. You can encourage them to use protective equipment at home by offering a discount purchase program for a second pair to be used off the job. 

What about working around the house? Do your employees use a ladder at home to reach high places or do they stand on anything available? Remind them not to stand on the top step of a ladder or step stool at home. Make sure you tell your employees not to use metal ladders near any electrical power lines outside their homes.

You tell your workers to check the material safety data sheets before using chemicals at work. But, do they read the labels of common household cleaning solutions? Many of these products can be quite dangerous. Open windows and doors when using ammonia. Never combine ammonia and chlorine bleach—mixing them can cause toxic fumes.

Store chemicals away from small children and pets. Keep the phone number of the poison control center near your phone. Also, if you have young children, make sure you have a bottle of ipecac, which can force vomiting—BUT, don’t use it until you check with the poison control center or a doctor.

Fire prevention is an important part of household safety. Make sure your smoke detectors are checked and working. Have a family plan for evacuation in case of fire, including a meeting place outside of the home.

Check your house for potential fire hazards. Never overload electrical circuits or use flimsy extension cords as permanent wiring. Make sure the wiring in your house can handle the extra loads from energy-hungry gadgets, such as computers and printers, fax machines, kitchen appliances, and air conditioners.


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