Training is a big part of your job—and a big responsibility. That’s why so many safety professionals like you turn to the Employee Training Center for help.
BLR® is doing its part to assist you in your effort to provide excellent workplace safety training and add more value and versatility while keeping training affordable.
For example, a couple of years ago, BLR launched its Employee Training Center. This comprehensive training resource offers hundreds ready-to-use, Web-based, self-paced training courses in safety, HR, customer service, environmental compliance, and wellness.
Brian Gurnham, BLR’s chief operating officer, explains that the new platform was a direct response to customer requests.
“In this economy, people have to train—whether it’s for compliance or best-practice purposes. And even if they’re downsizing, they want to make sure their people are protected.” More than ever, they want it quick and easy, he adds.
Try a demo of BLR’s remarkable award-winning Employee Training Center at no cost or obligation. Get the details.
That ease-of-use and other features, for which the Employee Training Center recently won a CODiE award from the Software & Information Industry Association, seem to be meeting their mark.
Currently, one course is being completed every 30 seconds. Gurnham says the Employee Training Center has attracted numerous employers who made a past investment in high-powered learning management systems (LMS) but have not gotten much out of it.
“Sometimes, despite investments of $10,000 or more, these systems provide too much solution—they’re just too much work to manage,” he says.
BLR’s online training offers what Gurnham calls “contrarian pricing.” “The vast majority of online training in the marketplace is priced on a ‘seat basis.’ That is, the more courses an individual takes, the more it costs,” Gurnham explains. But BLR believes that’s a disincentive for employers who want to deliver a lot of training.
“We looked at it and said, let’s create another model.” In its place, BLR built an “all you can eat” plan that charges one price per organization, regardless of use. Prices reflect the size of a user organization.
Unlimited training—one low cost. Demo the award-winning Employee Training Center. There’s no cost or obligation. Try it.
Access, E-mail, Repeat
The Employee Training Center also delivers value through its ease-of-use and resulting time savings. According to Gurnham, a company’s training manager or other administrator simply logs on, previews the courses (takes them if desired), then checks those he or she wishes to use. Another click generates an e-mail from the administrator, which is sent, along with the attached courses, to the designated trainees. The recipient of the e-mail opens it and clicks on the link to the assigned course.
Through a popular self-registration feature, the system keeps tabs on who has received the course, if and when it was taken, how long it took, what questions were answered correctly, and the overall score. A default setting suggests a passing score of 70 percent, but this can be altered up or down by the employer.
Employee Training Center courses are based on a “blended learning” model, which adds value and versatility. For example, a course can be used as a PowerPoint® during classroom presentations; it can be printed out and delivered as a handout, placed in a central kiosk for access by groups, or used by individuals on demand on their own or company time.
Gurnham says course activity is quite high late at night and in the early morning. “It’s perfect for people who work in casinos or hospitals on the third shift, emergency responders, and field staff who don’t come into the home office often.”
BLR’s Employee Training Center is evolving, especially toward more customizable and interactive courses. But one thing unlikely to change is the bang for the buck. The need is too great, Gurnham asserts.
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