Safety Culture, Technology and Innovation

When Efficiency Meets Safety: Unleashing the Potential of Technology

Pressure to meet deadlines and staff shortages are among the few things causing frontline workers to cut corners on the job. Although getting the job done efficiently is front of mind, compromising the safety of workers leads to increasing the risk of injury, a dissatisfied workforce, and ironically, it can also harm productivity.

Skilled frontline workers are the backbone of developing our society. They need tools that enable them to perform at their best and improve safety rather than impact it, even under pressure. Thankfully, low-cost mobile-first technology can now empower workers to maintain control over their tasks, streamline processes, and eliminate the need for risky shortcuts.

The game-changing benefits of embracing technology

In frontline industries like construction and manufacturing, every second counts. Outdated processes like paper-based inspections and a lack of training can cause communication barriers, delays in the flow of important information, and restricted oversight of work, meaning that hazards go undetected for too long.

While it might take time for workers to get comfortable with change, embracing new technology on the frontline is key to getting ahead of your safety game. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Efficiency improvements: Embracing technology can streamline processes while eliminating the need to store and search through years of paper records if something goes wrong.
  • Real-time visibility: Reliance on paper records slows down teams and compromises workers’ safety. By providing real-time visibility through digital tools, you can take immediate action and make improvements.
  • Eliminate communication barriers: centralized digital platforms enhance communication, helping managers understand frontline challenges and focus on critical tasks.
  • Get ahead of compliance: reduce reliance on memory and minimize last-minute compliance checks.

While change can be daunting, small, consistent improvements over time can improve operations, lift team morale, and help your bottom line. Here are some practical tips to ease the transition – no matter what stage of your digital transformation journey.

Start small

Switching from manual processes doesn’t have to be complicated. Small changes like digitizing paper-based processes into an intuitive platform or switching from a desktop system to a mobile app can kickstart momentum for improvements across the board. The majority of the workers are not behind a desk. Having easy access to inspections and checklists on the go can put the power of safety in the hands of every team member.

Encourage a learning curve

Be a champion for change and lead by example. It might not happen overnight, but focus on highlighting how new technology can make cumbersome tasks quicker. Work together to overcome barriers or resistance to change, and don’t give up until everyone is comfortable with the new technology and processes.

Make life easier

Start with simplicity. To avoid complicating things, you must always consider how new systems can integrate with existing ones. Technology should simplify tasks, not add complexity.

Establish a feedback loop

Possibly the most important part is for people to feel like they’re helping to create positive change. Everyone will have unique insights. Harness these inputs, show that you’re serious about making change and things will start to change, for the better.

How tech is transforming teams on the NASCAR circuit

NASCAR team Trackhouse Racing relies on technology to prepare for race day and ensure every team member gets their say. When you’re racing for 38 weeks of the year, having efficient processes and staying on top of improvements in the workplace is crucial to success on the track.

The Trackhouse Racing team has used technology like the SafetyCulture platform and its Inspections feature to digitize their pre-race car readiness checks and give workers a platform and record for feedback. Now, everyone at Trackhouse has the confidence to take work into their own hands.

See how Trackhouse is driving better performance with SafetyCulture

Whether on the factory floor or in the pit lane, embracing technology will help revolutionize your workplace operations and create a new standard for safety. When admin-heavy workloads are taken care of, frontline employees and managers can prioritize focusing on critical tasks. Embracing digital tools enhances teams’ safety and accelerates efficiency, ensuring a safer and more productive workplace.  The best part is when you’re confident in the work getting done, you can spend more time on things that matter, like things outside of work!


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