To liven up that safety meeting, remember this refrain: Personalize, relate, repeat, rephrase, and for goodness sakes, be enthusiastic!
That’s the question our training experts get repeatedly. Yesterday, we began to answer it, using guidance provided in the BLR program, Safety Meeting Repros, and other sources. The first part of the answer dealt with meeting preparation. Now let’s get to the meeting itself.
“Think of the training session as an important meal,” say the Safety Meetings Repros authors. “Like a memorable meal, its presentation must be as appealing as its taste. A successful session will have both ‘sizzle and steak’—style and content—with lots of participation, give-and-take questions, examples, opinions, and enthusiasm from both the trainer and trainees.”
No time to write safety meeting materials? You don’t need to with the 50 prewritten safety meeting modules in BLR’s Safety Meeting Repros program. All meetings are ready to use, right out of the box. Try it completely at our expense! Click for details.
To reach that goal:
Turn the Key with Turnkey Materials
Finally, have all your ducks in line when it comes to carefully constructed, concise, and yet powerful meeting materials. To this end, we’d like to recommend Safety Meeting Repros, the program much of this info comes from.
Examine Safety Meeting Repros completely at our expense. Send no money. Take no risk. Click for more info.
It’s 50 completely turnkey safety meeting modules, each responsive to a key OSHA regulation, with trainee materials in reproducible form. Just click the outline items off as you proceed through the meeting and you won’t miss a single point of importance. Then follow-up with the fully prepared quiz (with instantly available answers) and illustrated handouts that also come with each lesson. You’ve completed a full training cycle, with little more work than running a copier, at a cost equivalent of under $6 a session.
Pardon our enthusiasm in saying that there’s no way to appreciate how much this program can ease your training task without looking it over. You can do so at no cost (we even pay any return shipping) and no risk. Just click here and we’ll be happy to arrange a trial run, at our expense.