Chemicals, Enforcement and Inspection, Environmental

EPA Proposes Registration for Glycerol Formate

On September 16, 2024, the EPA announced a proposed registration decision for pesticide products containing the “new” active ingredient glycerol formate.

“Products containing glycerol formate are intended to be used in healthcare settings (e.g., hospitals, medical premises and nursing homes) as a disinfectant for hard non-porous, non-food contact surfaces (e.g., stretchers) for bacteria, spores, and viruses, and as a sanitizer for soft surfaces (100% cotton or 100% polyester) for staphylococcus aureus and klebsiella aerogenes, which can cause serious infections,” states the EPA website. “Glycerol formate is the first new antimicrobial active ingredient to be proposed for registration in four years.”

The large increases in biodiesel production have led to surpluses of crude glycerol.

This surplus “represents a major bottleneck in the biodiesel production chain and has created new challenges to its sustainable use,” according to Science Direct. “Although there is a wide range of potential uses for crude glycerol, they are limited by its degree of purity, which affects its physical, chemical and biological properties.”

Glycerol formate is one of many derivatives of crude glycerol.

The EPA also released the draft human health and environmental risk assessment of glycerol formate in addition to its proposed registration decision.

The “EPA evaluated the potential hazardous effects and exposures to human health and the environment from the proposed uses of glycerol formate, as required by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA),” the EPA adds. “The proposed uses of glycerol formate have no potential dietary exposures. Workers may be exposed to glycerol formate during application, but EPA has not identified human health risks of concern when these products are used in accordance with label directions.”

Because this ingredient is limited to indoor use for this registration, there won’t be any exposure that will impact listed species or designated critical habitats under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), so the EPA made an ESA determination of “no effect” for glycerol formate.

After considering public comments on the proposed registration and the draft risk assessment, the EPA will determine whether the registration action meets the FIFRA registration standard. If the EPA determines the registration action can be granted, it will finalize the decision and the risk assessment, including the ESA effects determination.

To read more about the proposed registration of glycerol formate and to comment, see docket ID EPA-HQ-OPP-2020-0120 at The public comment period will be open for 30 days, closing on October 13, 2024. All the supporting documents related to glycerol formate are available in EPA-HQ-OPP-2020-0120.

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