Special Topics in Safety Management

Setting Up a Safety Committee: Strategies for Success

Safety committees have become commonplace in the American workplace and the benefits have been significant. Here are suggestions for successfully installing a safety committee.

Starting back in the early 1990s, companies began to add safety committees to their overall safety programs. OSHA encouraged this effort and suggested numerous ways in which the committees could prove useful.

The burgeoning of safety committees throughout industrial America did indeed result in accident reductions and improved worker performance. There were unexpected outcomes as well, including increased morale and a decrease in grievances.

As the benefits became apparent, more and more organizations, in widespread industries, chose to develop safety committees. Before long, more and more states suggested or even required that they be part of safety regulations.

From emergency action to infection control, the Easy Workplace Safety Program has detailed plans for 20 specific safety procedures. Find out more.

Setting Up a Safety Committee

The typical approach to installing a safety committee is to select an equal number of management personnel and interested employees, with all shifts represented.

Safety experts say that to be successful, committee members should not be selected for popularity or mere availability but for such characteristics as commitment to workplace safety, concern for co-workers, leadership qualities, and ability to work cooperatively with co-workers and management.

After choosing the committee members, a chairperson is elected, and a procedure for rotating that role is determined. Changing leadership keeps the committee vigorous and productive.

Next, the various functions are determined (see yesterday’s Advisor for a list of potential committee functions). Along with functions, a schedule of regular meetings must be set up. Agendas will include planned activities, reports on previous actions, and follow-ups. Meeting minutes should be distributed to all members and other key persons in the organization.

Strategies for Success

An effective safety committee can be one of a company’s best tools for conducting and improving the overall health and safety effort. For example, the committee can provide invaluable assistance to you and help ensure regulatory compliance.

To assure success, see that your committee is properly established to:

  • Ensure that members want and deserve to be on the committee.

  • Stay with issues until it reaches solutions with a strong chance of succeeding instead of making decisions just to get an item off the table.

  • Allow for learning and growth, making it OK to own mistakes and correct errors.

  • Assign individual members specific projects with follow-up responsibilities.

  • Make communication among employees, management, and committee members a priority.

And above all, never forget that the ultimate goal of having a safety committee is a safe and healthy work environment.

Developing a formal, written safety plan doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Easy Workplace Safety Program makes it easy as 1, 2, 3! Get the details.

Instant Safety Programs Just for You

Developing your written safety programs is as easy as 1, 2, 3 with BLR’s Easy Workplace Safety Program. This exceptional product makes it easy to develop customized written safety plans that meet your organization’s particular needs for workplace safety and OSHA compliance.

All you need to do is insert the CD, add your specific company information, and your safety program is essentially complete. This carefully developed tool comes complete with a step-by-step manual and has detailed plans for 20 safety procedures, including:

  • Hearing conservation

  • Emergency action plan

  • Hazard communication

  • Lockout/tagout

  • PPE

  • Materials handling and storage

  • Forklift operations

  • Confined spaces

  • Electrical safety

  • Ergonomics

  • Fire prevention

… and many more essential safety procedures. You also get special forms, such as the OSHA 300, 301, and 300A forms. And state-specific workplace safety, loss prevention program, and safety committee requirements are also provided.

Everything you need to implement an award-winning safety program is right at your fingertips in one package, including complete instructions on how to use this exciting safety management product.

Find out more about how BLR’s Easy Workplace Safety Program can help you manage safety in your workplace.

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