
High-Tech Safety: Automotive Crash Prevention Technology

One of the persistent problems of fleet safety and fleet management is that so much of it is driver-dependent. Putting away cell phones and slowing down are proven ways to reduce the risk of crashes—but once a worker is operating the vehicle, the employer has no direct control over whether the worker actually does these […]

A Quick Look at Changes to the Stormwater MSGP

Note: Industrial facilities that want coverage under the 2015 MSGP must submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) by September 2 to be covered by the new permit. No NEPA Review for New Sources The EPA prepared an environmental assessment (EA) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to determine the potential environmental impact of the […]

Will You Be WOTUSed?

Who Gets WOTUSed? Do the waterbodies near where you want to either develop or expand meet the new definition of waters of the United States (WOTUS), requiring you to get a permit? Here are some things to consider. You Need to Get a Permit if the Water … Is currently in use, was used at […]

Summer Groundskeeping Safety, Part 4: Deadly Insects

Are bees an occupational hazard? In 2007, three workers were stung by bees while harvesting almonds in Texas; one of them was stung more than 60 times and had to be taken to the hospital. In 2008, a worker in California was stung while driving a tractor and died of an allergic reaction. It’s not […]

What They’re Saying about WOTUS

What WOTUS Does Briefly, WOTUS redefines which waters are waters of the United States and, by doing so, decides whether your project will need a permit. According to the EPA, the rule does not alter existing exemptions from Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction, including exemptions for normal farming, ranching, and silviculture activities. The major and most […]

Summer Groundskeeping Safety, Part 3: Pesticide Hazards

How do you get rid of crabgrass? Or chickweed? Or clover, thistle, dandelion, or any of the other weeds that mar your attractive landscaping? Although hand weeding may be a good option for a well-mulched flowerbed, pesticides may be the most effective solution for lawns. Make sure that if your workers are applying pesticides, they […]

Can Suppliers Help Your GHG Emission Reduction Efforts?

Suppliers, if you’re breathing a sigh of relief because so far the EPA has not targeted you to reduce your GHG emissions, don’t settle back just yet. Walmart, et al. may be doing the Agency’s job for it. Recap: Scope 3 emissions include indirect GHG emissions from sources not owned or directly controlled by the company […]

Summer Groundskeeping Safety, Part 2: Leaf Blower Hazards

They’re called “leaf blowers,” but you’ll see them in use all summer long. They can be used to blow the grass off your mower, to blow cut grass off sidewalks and paths—they have, essentially, replaced brooms and rakes for many tasks. They may be time-savers, but leaf blowers also pose hazards. Make sure workers are […]

Not Just the Big Guys—Where Do GHG Emissions Come From?

Today we will discuss how the EPA categorizes GHG emissions and why its approach doesn’t affect just large sources. Tomorrow we will look at how large companies are doing EPA’s job and finding some success in reducing overall GHG emissions by leaning on smaller companies such as their vendors. ‘Scope’ It Out! The GHG emissions […]

Summer Groundskeeping Safety, Part 1: Mower Hazards

Summer is in full swing throughout the United States. The familiar growl of mowers and lawn tractors, the howl of leaf blowers, and the whiz of string trimmers echo through the land. If you have employees who are busy taking care of your lawn and landscaping, make sure they know what hazards they face and […]