
Free Report from Safety Daily Advisor Helps Safety Professionals Prepare for OSHA Inspections

The Safety Daily Advisor®: announced today the release of a free white paper, What to Expect from an OSHA Inspection, which will help you to prepare for and understand your rights during OSHA inspections. If you’ve ever worried about the prospect of an inspection, you’re not alone. Each year, thousands of workplaces across the country […]

Go Behind the Hazards to Prevent HazCom Citations

HazCom featured in third place on OSHA’s top 10 violations for 2010. Two big HazCom issues are labels and MSDSs. Every year HazCom features somewhere on OSHA’s top 10 list. Violations can have a significant impact on employee safety, and citations can be costly. Many of the 7,000 HazCom violations cited this year were serious, […]

Back to Basics

Back maintenance begins off the job. In order for your workers to avoid back injuries, they need more than training in avoiding workplace injuries. They need to know how to keep their backs healthy 24/7. So improve workplace safety by giving your workers a training session on overall back health. Begin by reminding employees that […]

Safety Compliance Made Easy in 2011

Week in Review, December 24, 2010 Note to Readers: This newsletter appears daily, but we know some don’t always have the time to read it everyday. For your convenience, here’s a re-publication of what we covered this past week. Daily, weekly, or anything in between, we’re pleased to keep you informed with the latest tips, […]

Workplaces Safer, but We’re Not Out of the Woods Yet

The good news is that there are fewer workplace injuries and illnesses than there used to be. The bad news is that there are still too many. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses among private industry employers declined in 2009 (the most recent year for which statistics are […]

Need Highly Effective Training at an Affordable Price? We’ve Got the Programs for You!

Training is a big part of your job—and a big responsibility. That’s why so many safety professionals like you turn to the Employee Training Center for help. BLR® is doing its part to assist you in your effort to provide excellent workplace safety training and add more value and versatility while keeping training affordable. For […]

Tips for Stress-Free, Safe, and Healthy Holidays

Holiday decorations provide seasonal cheer around the home, but they can also be hazardous. So can holiday stress. Emphasize these home safety tips to keep your employees safe this holiday season: Use only UL-approved electrical decorations and extension cords. Inspect all lights and cords before use. Keep your tree and other decorations away from heat […]

‘Tis the Season to Think Safety on the Road

Holiday decorations provide seasonal cheer around the home, but they can also be hazardous. So can holiday stress. Use only UL-approved electrical decorations and extension cords. Inspect all lights and cords before use. Keep your tree and other decorations away from heat sources. Water your tree frequently to prevent its drying out and becoming a […]

City Sidewalks, Busy Sidewalks, Lots of Stress in the Air

Wait a minute, that’s not the right lyric, is it? But it may be a more realistic sentiment for your workers. Millions of Americans experience increased stress levels around the holidays. Stress is not only a health risk; it’s also a safety risk. Stressed-out workers are more likely to have accidents. Along with the decorations, […]

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

If you work outside for a living, you know that wintertime is no picnic. It’s just as cold if you enjoy skiing or skating or sledding or ice fishing. The cold temperatures can cause your body to develop “hypothermia” or cold stress, which can be quite dangerous. Even if your body temperature drops just a […]