
The Inside Story on Mold Hazards and Prevention

If you’re looking for a cheap and easy way to improve indoor air quality, look no further than the common houseplant, says a study by NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA). Indoor exposure to mold can cause allergic reactions and even infections. Taking precautions, however, can limit exposure and help prevent health […]

The ‘Secret’ to Improved Indoor Air Quality

If you’re looking for a cheap and easy way to improve indoor air quality, look no further than the common houseplant, says a study by NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA). A while back NASA got together with ALCA and conducted a study to see if houseplants could help improve indoor air […]

OSHA’s Guidelines for Training and Evaluation

Yesterday, we presented the first four of OSHA’s seven employee safety training guidelines. Today, we conclude with the last three guidelines, plus some information about an essential training resource that will help you meet current and future safety training objectives easily and effectively. [You can read the first four guidelines here.] Step 5. Conduct the […]

OSHA’s 7-Step Training Guidelines

Is your safety training program all it could be? Have a look at OSHA’s guidelines for setting up and conducting effective, compliant training. Step 1. Determine if training is necessary. How do you know what training is necessary—or whether training is needed at all? Before you can answer that question, you have to ask yourself: […]

Lose Weight, Save Money

Can a workplace wellness program actually result in a return on investment in your workplace? Our Safety Training Tips editor says yes, it can, though patience is required because the greatest return on investment takes an average of 3 to 5 years. But consider the effect on just one costly health issue, such as weight. […]

What Forklift Operators Need to Know

OSHA requires forklift operators to successfully complete a training program and evaluation conducted by competent trainers before operating a forklift. Safe operation of forklifts depends on safe operators. OSHA’s training requirements for forklift operators can be found at 29 CFR 1910.178(l) and include instruction in: Operating instructions, warnings, and precautions Differences between the truck and […]

22 Keys to Safe Forklift Operation

Every year more than 20,000 forklift-related injuries occur in U.S. workplaces. According to OSHA, most forklift accidents can be attributed to lack of safe operating procedures, lack of safety rule enforcement, and insufficient or inadequate training. Many employees are injured when forklifts are inadvertently driven off loading docks or fall between docks and an unsecured […]

How to Lower Workplace Accident Rates

You can’t fix hazards you don’t know about. As we discussed in yesterday’s Advisor, regular work area inspections are a highly effective way to identify and correct hazards. Depending on the work areas you’re inspecting, a safety audit may focus on different issues. But here’s a general checklist, courtesy of BLR’s Safety Audit Checklists, that […]

Inspect Your Way to Safer Work Areas

The ideal workplace inspection isn’t one that follows a safety incident. Nor is it a surprise visit from OSHA. The ideal inspection is one you arrange yourself. Self-inspection audits are the most effective way to improve safety management, prevent accidents, and ensure compliance with safety regulations. Work area inspections will: Tell you whether safety and […]

Keeping Up with OSHA

As a person with responsibility for safety training, you have an important duty to keep up with OSHA regulations. Our Safety Training Tips editor notes that while it sometimes seems overwhelming to stay informed about all the requirements in every safety area, there are several tools available to help. First of all, you can go […]