
More Answers to Your OSHA Recordkeeping Questions

Today, we continue with a review of OSHA’s injury and illness recordkeeping requirements, which began yesterday.  Are there situations where I do not put the employee’s name on the forms for privacy reasons? Yes, if you have a “privacy concern case,” you may not enter the employee’s name on the OSHA 300 Log. Instead, enter […]

OSHA Recordkeeping Requirements Giving You a Headache?

Because there are so many possible situations involving occupational injuries and illnesses, OSHA’s recordkeeping rules can often be confusing. Today’s Advisor features some frequently asked questions about recordkeeping requirements. (All questions and answers provided are courtesy of a BLR® special report, Top 100 OSHA Recordkeeping Q&As. Click here to find out how to obtain a […]

Take Action to Avoid Scaffold Standard Violations

In yesterday’s Advisor, we highlighted the sections of the scaffolding standard that garner the most citations. Today, we suggest ways to ensure compliance and avoid violations and penalties. To avoid citations and ensure construction worksites are in compliance with the scaffolding standard (29 CFR 1926.451), check and recheck each of the requirements of the scaffolding […]

OSHA Enforcement and the Scaffolding Standard: Can Your Worksite Pass Inspection?

  By BLR Founder and CEO Bob Brady OSHA continues to concentrate inspection efforts on industries and standards where there is the greatest likelihood of severe injury and death. The construction industry is one of those often targeted, and last year scaffolding led the list of most frequently violated standards. Last year there were more […]

Saving Energy at Work and Beyond

Earth Day is April 22 this year, so this is a good month to talk with employees about conserving energy at work. Whether they work in an office, a warehouse, a factory, or other workspace, employees can take many steps to save energy. Workers can start saving energy on their commute to work. Inform workers […]

Combustible Dust: An Explosive Safety Issue

It’s just dust. How could it be dangerous, let alone explosive? Any combustible material can burn rapidly and explode in a finely divided form. Dust suspended in air in the right concentration can become explosive. The force from such an explosion can cause employee deaths, injuries, and destruction of entire buildings. In addition to explosion […]

Combustible Dust Takes Center Stage

OSHA is currently in the process of developing a combustible dust standard. Meanwhile, the agency has issued guidance to help industry recognize and control hazards. And OSHA may pursue enforcement actions under the general duty clause and hazard communication standard. For at least half of its 10-year existence, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) has […]

OSHA Notifies 15,000 Workplaces of High Injury and Illness Rates

OSHA routinely surveys employers to collect data on workplace injury and illness rates. This year, the spotlight turns on 15,000 workplaces with the highest rates. A letter has been sent to about 15,000 workplaces with the highest numbers of injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work, restricted work activities, or job transfers, known […]

OSHA Sets Regulatory Priorities for 2010

Hazardous chemicals and substances play leading roles in OSHA’s list of regulatory priorities for 2010. Here’s a quick review of expected rulemaking. What’s new with OSHA? OSHA Chief Dr. David Michaels says, "We’re moving from reaction to prevention, beefing up enforcement, and moving the regulatory agenda forward." Regulatory priorities for this year have been set […]

Who Pays for PPE?

In 2007, OSHA issued new rules for who pays for personal protective equipment (PPE) in the workplace. Of course, this issue is very important to employees, so it’s a good idea to clarify for them exactly when the employer pays and when the employee pays for PPE used in the workplace. Employers must pay for […]