
Policies, Commitment, and Culture: The Formula for Superior Safety Performance

Read about a company where safety and health policies supported by strong commitment and a well-developed safety culture have resulted in superior safety performance. At Simmons Bedding Company, safety and health policies drive a robust worker-protection process. But it’s the commitment and culture behind those policies that really make things happen, explains Jonathan Dawe. He […]

Are Your Safety Policies Holding You Back? Or Driving Better Performance?

Safety and health policies that reflect commitment, define expectations, and articulate consequences can make a huge difference in protecting workers. We’ll tell you what it takes to make that happen. Simply defined, an occupational safety and health policy is a plan that details how an organization will manage OSH issues. A good policy is one […]

Training + Drills = Safe Evacuations

In an emergency your workers have to respond fast and effectively. There’s no time for second-guessing or asking questions. Employees must be properly trained in emergency response long before the day they have to act. All employees should be able to recognize the emergency alarm and know what to do when they hear it. They […]

Emergency Evacuations: Get a Plan in Place

OSHA strongly recommends that all businesses have an emergency action plan in place that covers procedures for evacuations and sheltering. You and your employees need to know exactly what to do in any emergency situation, from fires to natural disasters to chemical spills. When developing your emergency action plan, it’s important to determine the following: […]

Going Up? Remember the Keys to Ladder Safety

Ladders create several potential hazards that your workers need to know about in order to avoid falls, injuries, and lost workdays. Our Safety Training Tips editor says that OSHA is quite specific about ladder design, inspection, and use, and has separate regulations for portable wooden ladders, portable metal ladders, and fixed ladders (29 CFR 1910.25, […]

Respiratory Protection Training? We Have You Covered

Yesterday, we talked about selecting respirators, fitting them to employees’ faces, and performing seal checks. Today, we’ll cover fit-testing, inspection, and maintenance, and we’ll tell you about a respirator training program that puts it all together for your workers. OSHA says that all respirators that rely on a mask-to-face seal must be checked with either […]

You Can’t Breathe Easy Until Your Workers Can

Because of the potentially serious health effects of airborne contaminants and other hazards, OSHA’s respiratory protection standard (29 CFR 1910.134) establishes rigorous requirements for the safe use of respirators. Respirators protect workers from a host of workplace hazards, including insufficient oxygen, and harmful dust, fog, smoke, mists, gases, vapors, and sprays. Without this essential PPE, […]

Michaels at OSHA: What Will It Mean for You?

Does the confirmation of the new OSHA administrator mean the dawn of a new era of greater regulation and stricter enforcement? It’s too early to say for sure. But here’s a look at what might be headed your way. What can you expect from OSHA under David Michaels? Listen to what Michaels himself says in […]

Is Michaels the Right Person for OSHA?

Whether David Michaels is the right person to head OSHA was a hotly debated topic in recent months. With his confirmation, we take a look at his credentials and what people are saying—pro and con—about the new OSHA chief. As we start the new year and consider the impact of the confirmation of David Michaels […]

Pros and Cons of Incentive Programs: Part 2

Yesterday, we shared some views and suggestions about safety incentive programs gleaned from the EHS Forum on our sister website,  Today, we continue with more of the Forum members’ views on incentive programs, both pro and con. Safety Kaizen “We have a ‘safety kaizen’ monthly competition. Employees compete with other departments using the kaizen […]