
Don’t Short Circuit Electrical Safety Training

Over half of workplace deaths resulting from electrocution are caused by defective electrical equipment and failure on the part of employees to follow safe work procedures. Electrical safety training can prevent both types of accidents. OSHA’s electrical safety standard recognizes two types of employees—qualified and unqualified (Safety-Related Work Practices, 29 CFR 1910.331-335). Qualified employees are […]

Follow the Path to Electrical Safety

Because electricity is used in every workplace, the threat of electrocution is present in almost every job. Simple steps can protect workers and prevent electrical accidents. When your employees think of electrical hazards, they may get an image of high voltage overhead power lines. Unless they see such a threat, they may not realize they’re […]

First Aid for All Kinds of Burns

Because burns are such a common injury both on and off the job, everybody should know first-aid procedures. Prompt on-the-spot action can prevent complications—and speed recovery. Some burns demand immediate medical attention. For example: All third-degree burns (the damage may cause dangerous, even fatal, infections, and destroyed skin may need skin grafts) Second-degree burns that […]

Workplace Burns—A ‘Hot’ Training Topic

Burns are a safety hazard for your workers both on and off the job. Training employees to recognize hazards and take proper precautions is the best way to prevent burns anywhere, anytime. According to the American Burn Association, each year in the United States, 1.1 million burn injuries need medical attention, and 45,000 of them […]

Don’t Get Blown Away this Independence Day

Fireworks are fun, but they are also dangerous—even deadly—if not used safely. Our Safety Training Tips editor urges you to dedicate some training time to make sure employees know the dangers of fireworks before the July 4 holiday. Begin by letting employees know that July is National Fireworks Safety Month. According to the Centers for […]

Are You Ready for OSHA’s Next Moves?

Yesterday, we described OSHA’s new enhanced enforcement initiatives. Today, we provide you with an essential safety and health resource that can help you respond to enforcement changes as well as additional compliance requirements that are likely as the new OSHA administration gains momentum. With the prospect of significant enhancement of OSHA’s enforcement practices and new […]

OSHA Cracking Down on Repeat Violators

Acting OSHA administrator Jordan Barab says that OSHA is gearing up to go after employers that are not meeting their obligations under the OSH Act. A new enhanced enforcement program is in the works. We’ve all known since the new administration took office that change was coming to OSHA. Now it looks like enhanced enforcement […]

Do Your Signs and Tags Meet OSHA Specs?

OSHA says that its specifications for workplace safety signs and tags apply to the design, application, and use of all signs or symbols intended to indicate and define specific hazards.  According to OSHA, all workplace safety signs must: Contain sufficient information to be easily understood. Be concise, accurate, and easy to read. Identify the hazard. […]

Safety Color Coding: Brilliant!

All employees need to know the meaning of the different colors you use on safety signs and tags around your facility. Colors indicate at a glance the nature of hazards and levels of danger. Color coding is a brilliant safety idea because workers can tell at a glance—almost without thinking—that they’re facing a hazard and […]

Must I Document ALL of My Safety Training?

Today our Safety Training Tips editor tackles the question of whether you can get away with not documenting every bit of your safety training. We think you can guess the answer to this one. Yes, you do, even if OSHA doesn’t require it. More than 100 separate OSHA rules feature training requirements. Some of those […]