
Taking Charge of Flammable and Combustible Liquids

The two primary hazards associated with flammable and combustible liquids are fires and explosions, either of which could injure or kill scores of employees and do major damage to your facility. But flammable and combustible liquids can be hazardous in other ways, as well. Some vapors are toxic, and splashes on the skin or in […]

How Do You Train a 24-Hour Workforce?

If you keep the lights burning 24/7 for round-the-clock service or production, you know that providing adequate safety training for your shift workers is a formidable challenge. The key to success in scheduling training for shift workers is accessibility. Pull them off the line or pay them overtime? Our Safety Training Tips editor says that […]

Let’s Make It Daylight SAFETY Time

Setting our clocks an hour ahead next week may seem like an early start to the spring, but it also marks a time of extra safety concerns in the form of groggy workers and dark morning hours. Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 8, 2009, and it starts a particularly difficult time of year for […]

Keep ’em Coming Back for More—Safety Training, That Is!

Our Safety Training Tips editor offers some “heroic” tips for engaging employees with your safety training. If training isn’t engaging, it isn’t effective. When Jonathan Klane started out in safety and health training, he did so in a suit and tie. But as the years progressed, his style changed. These days he’s more likely to […]

The ROI of Helping Workers Quit Smoking

Yesterday we looked at the costs and complexities surrounding workplace smoking, including increased healthcare costs and absenteeism, decreased productivity, the relative rights of smokers and nonsmokers, and inconsistencies in the number and length of breaks. Today we look at tips for limiting the impact of smoking on your bottom line, including the most important of […]

Managing Workplace Smoking: A Hazy Legal Tangle

Managing smoking in the workplace is an essential task for employers. But it is made challenging by the many complex issues involved, including compliance with state and local laws, the rights of employees to smoke without suffering discrimination, the rights of nonsmokers to a safe workplace, and complaints about inconsistency in breaks between smokers and […]

How to Select, Wear, and Care for Eye PPE

Yesterday we reviewed steps you can implement to get your workers to appreciate the importance of wearing required eye protection. Today we turn to the proper selection, wear, and care of eye protection. Eye Protection Selection BLR’s Total Training Resource: Personal Protective Equipment recommends that when you are determining what eye protection is appropriate for […]

Vision: It Can Be Lost in the Blink of an Eye

If you are having trouble getting your workers to wear required eye protection, try opening their eyes with some of these statistics from and BLR’s OSHA Required Training for Supervisors newsletter. More than 800,000 work-related eye injuries occur every year (that’s about 2,000 a day). Many of these injuries are temporarily disabling and some […]

Repetitive Motion Injuries: Spotlight on Prevention

Although reports indicate that repetitive motion injuries are declining due to widespread awareness and implementation of effective preventive measures, they remain a problem for many workplaces and workers. If they’re a problem for you and some of your employees, maybe it’s time to turn the spotlight on prevention. Step up your employee awareness training. Prevention […]

Assessing and Planning Your Safety Training

Yesterday we looked at the many benefits of turning over various safety responsibilities to your employees. Today we move on to assessing and planning your safety training. Legal Issues The need for safety training is sometimes only implied in OSHA legislation, rather than spelled out. BLR’s Safety Audit Checklists notes, for example, that the general […]