
Put the Focus on Safety During NAOSH Week, May 4-10

This Friday, our Safety Training Tips Editor reminds us that next week is a special week for safety, with a chance to showcase what we’ve been doing … and should do all year. North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH Week) runs from May 4-10 and is sponsored by the American Society of Safety […]

Are Lifelong Ergonomic Injuries Developing Now at Your Workplace?

Ergonomic injury can take 10 years to show up, and then last for life. Here are methods to stop its development long before symptoms appear. Are you lucky enough to have a 2-year old at home? If so, have you, like many parents, bought your youngster one of those cute little baby computers, so he […]

Ergonomics: Vibrating Mice and Other Tales

Ergonomics is fitting the job to the way the body works. Here are some nifty new devices for doing it.Does your computer mouse vibrate? Does the seat of your chair ebb and flow beneath you like the waves of the sea? Have you worked a computer with your feet today? And how are you dealing […]

Maintenance and Safety: The Toyota Way

Toyota’s massive Kentucky auto plant has integrated maintenance into its overall safety scheme. Here’s how they did it, and how you can, too. Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion on the role of maintenance workers in workplace safety. These workers are positioned at a kind of crossroads of safety, our article maintained. As they literally get […]

Maintenance: Safety’s Secret Weapon

The work group at your facility best able to see safety problems coming may be your maintenance workers. But are you listening to them? They work in quiet, cordoned off areas of your shop floor, or in an area of their own, separated from the hustle and bustle of production. Frequently, they work off-hours, and […]

OSHA Ladder and Scaffold Inspection Essentials

OSHA has its up and down days … the days it inspects ladders and scaffolds. This Friday, our Safety Training Tips Editor says you need to do those inspections before they do. OSHA requires a “competent person” to inspect scaffolds. According to the agency, a competent person is one who: Has been trained to understand […]

More Signs of Safety

They may not be exciting or high tech, but safety signs save lives. Here are the criteria for an effective signage program.Did you “sign on” to yesterday’s Advisor? If so, you read part 1 of a 2-part discussion on workplace safety signs. Recent articles on the subject have renewed interest in the value of this […]

For Signs of Safety, Use Safety Signs

They may not be exciting or high tech, but safety signs save lives. Here are the criteria for an effective signage program.You’re in a movie theater. And after endless trailers (and an ad for the local car wash) that new sci-fi flick you’ve waited to see finally starts. The lights dim, the music comes up, […]

Super Safety Meeting Secrets, Part 2: Training Technique

To liven up that safety meeting, remember this refrain: Personalize, relate, repeat, rephrase, and for goodness sakes, be enthusiastic!“How do I make my safety training meetings more effective and memorable?” That’s the question our training experts get repeatedly. Yesterday, we began to answer it, using guidance provided in the BLR program, Safety Meeting Repros, and […]

Super Safety Meeting Secrets, Part I: Preparation

What makes some safety meetings crackle with excitement and learning, while others just fade away? The experts offer a two-part answer.Imagine two training rooms, side by side. Both host safety training meetings. In Room A, the instructor drones on and on, doing all the talking, while trainees check their watches, look longingly at the exit, […]