
Confined Spaces: How to Keep Them from Turning into Tombs

Work in confined spaces can be, and is, deadly to some 20 workers a year. Here’s what OSHA and best practices require to make working in them safer. The dairy farmer slipped his legs into the entry of the manure pit. He never much liked going down there but, after 18 years of doing so, […]

Safety Training Meetings: What to Do When You Don’t Have the Answer

You’re training and a question comes up that completely baffles you … no idea at all how to reply, and no wish to give the wrong information. Is it panic city? Not according to our Safety Training Tips editor. This Friday, he gives you the answers … to not knowing the answers. If you are […]

Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention: Training Is Often the Answer

Often slip, trip, and fall prevention is a matter of simply training workers on what to do and not do. Here are some of those do’s and don’ts, and an innovative program to instruct in them. With slips, trips, and falls the greatest source of nonfatal injuries each year in any accident category the federal […]

To Prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls, Fix Things From the Floor Up

To stop slips, trips and falls, improve the flooring, the footwear, and the habits of workers. In this two-part article, we’ll review what to do about all 3 of these accident factors. OK, safety professionals, here’s today’s quick quiz: According to Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers, what kind of workplace accident results in the most […]

Expert Explains How Safety Actually Adds to the Bottom Line

Senior management often sees EHS programs as a cost item only, but leading process improvement expert Robert B. Pojasek says they increase profitability and company value. What’s more, he’s written a book that teaches you how to build a business case that proves it. Yesterday’s Advisor recounted the results of a recent poll of ASSE […]

ASSE: Support of Top Management for Safety is Leaders’ Key Concern

American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) leaders recently cited lack of support by top management for safety programs as their top concern. But the solution may be, in part, a matter of learning a new language. At a recent meeting of ASSE chapter leaders, those attending were asked to cite the six most pressing issues […]

Injury Prevention as Easy as 1-2-3

For Injury Prevention Month, our Safety Training Tips editor reminds your workers to recognize and report all workplace hazards and to review their use of PPE and other safety procedures. Their health, and the company’s, depends on it. April is Injury Prevention Month, so our focus is on keeping your workers off the injured list. […]

Hearing PPE: Now You Have to Pay

OSHA’s new rule, now in effect, says you must pay for nearly all PPE, including hearing protection devices (HPDs). Here’s what you need to know about them and how to get workers to use them. Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion of workplace noise hazards. The long-term danger of consistent high noise levels, those above an […]

Hearing Protection: What OSHA Requires

Excessive noise can cause accidents and hearing loss, so OSHA demands that you control it and protect from it. Here’s what they say. Construction sites are often walled off to both protect passersby and preserve neighborhood beauty, but it’s obvious they’re there. The sound of roaring generators, pounding power shovels, and all manner of banging, […]

Forklifts: Safe Driving Tips

Yesterday, how to do an OSHA-required pre-use inspection on a forklift; today, how to drive one safely once you do.Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion of how not to be April (or any other month) foolish in operating a forklift truck. Step number one is properly carrying out the OSHA-required inspection of the unit, at least […]