
Winter Slippery Surfaces: How NOT to Get Tripped Up!

Weather-related slips and falls are especially common during winter. Here are tips to avoid them in and around your workplace now, and also all year. Unless they’re ice skating or skiing this winter, you don’t want your employees slipping and sliding—especially around your workplace. Weather-related slips, trips, and falls become a serious hazard as winter […]

Lockout/Tagout: 5 Steps to a Successful Program

To implement a successful lockout/tagout program, you need 5 key elements, says a top BLR interactive training program. It then proceeds to deliver them to you. Yesterday’s Safety Daily Advisor looked at what the safety education website,, calls the “fatal 5” of lockout/tagout. These missteps, which account for most of the 60,000 injuries and […]

Meet Lockout/Tagout’s ‘Fatal 5’

Make any of these 5 mistakes and not only is your lockout/tagout program in danger, so are you! Here’s a short quiz for the workers at your facility: Question: When can a simple padlock and a laminated piece of red-striped cardboard save your life?Answer: When they’re part of a well-planned lockout/tagout program. As safety professionals […]

Safely Returning Injured Employees to Work: What the Law Says

Deciding when and if an injured worker can return to the job sounds simple, but in reality, it’s a highly regulated activity. Here’s what the ADA, workers’ comp, and other laws have to say. And a special audio conference for those who really want to make sure they do it legally. An employee injures his […]

Radon: The Worst Hazard Your Employees Have Never Heard Of

Many of your employees probably have never heard of radon, much less realized that it might be in their homes, threatening their families. Now, in time for National Radon Action Month, here’s the info they need about this hidden hazard. If there’s a safety training topic you’ve never dealt with before, this one might be […]

Cold Weather Protection: What Workers Can Do for Themselves

Yesterday, we suggested some steps your company can take to protect workers from cold weather. Today, we’ll look at steps they can take, and a way to train in those steps in just 7 minutes. With winter locked in around us, yesterday’s Advisor supplied recommendations from OSHA and other experts on things an employer can […]

Protecting Workers in Cold Weather: What Your Company Can Do

Protecting workers in cold weather takes specific steps. OSHA has provided a list. And America’s eye doctors have added to it. Unless your workplace is located in places like California, Florida, or (“Dream on!”) Hawaii, you and your workers have to deal with winter. And following a pattern of extreme weather in recent years, what […]

New Employee Safety Orientation: What Your Training Should Include

To train new employees in safety, your presentation should lay out their role in creating a safe workplace, as well as safety steps to take. An audio-enhanced BLR PowerPoint® program can help you do both. OK, safety professionals, here’s today’s pop quiz: How likely is it that new hires will be injured on the job, […]