Category: Chemicals

Today’s workplace uses thousands of chemicals, many of which are hazardous. The resources in this section will help guide you in the safe and legal identification, storage, transport, and use of these chemicals, and in making sure that your employees right to know how to be safe around such substances is provided, as required by law.

EPA’s Proposed UST Rules – Secondary Containment

What is EPA proposing? Currently EPA requires secondary containment and interstitial monitoring for hazardous substance tanks only. EPA is proposing UST owners and operators install secondary containment and interstitial monitoring for new and replaced tanks and piping installed after the effective date of the final UST regulation. The secondary containment must be able to contain […]

Chart Your GHS Compliance During the Transition Period

In today’s Advisor we refresh your memory of the GHS compliance timetable and highlight necessary revisions of your hazard communication plan. Let’s start with the compliance calendar: May 25, 2012 to November 30, 2013 All employers that use, handle, store chemicals Train employees how to read and interpret chemical labels and (material) safety data sheets […]

GHS Update: Time to Think About Training

If you haven’t already begun GHS training for employees, you have less than 8 months to get it done. Here’s a quick review of key training issues. If you use, handle, store chemicals in your workplace, you have until the end of this year (December 1) to train employees about the new GHS-compliant chemical labels […]

Solving the Solvent Problem

Solvents are certainly useful in many workplaces but can also be hazardous to health and may cause fires, explosions, and contamination. Solvents are common in many workplaces, but that doesn’t mean workers don’t need to be careful. Like other chemicals, solvents can be hazardous if stored or handled improperly. When employees work with solvents, they […]