Category: Chemicals

Today’s workplace uses thousands of chemicals, many of which are hazardous. The resources in this section will help guide you in the safe and legal identification, storage, transport, and use of these chemicals, and in making sure that your employees right to know how to be safe around such substances is provided, as required by law.

Hazard Communication: Still a Bulwark of Workplace Safety

OSHA estimates that more than 32 million workers are exposed to 650,000 hazardous chemical products in more than 3 million American workplaces. If your workplace is one of those 3 million, hazard communication is a critical issue for you and your workers. OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) was developed to ensure that workers and employers […]

MSDS or Guess? What Do Your Workers Do?

MSDSs provide essential safety and health information about the chemicals in your workplace. But they can only do their job and help protect against chemical hazards if employees actually use them. The MSDS should be the main resource employees rely on when they have questions about chemical hazards and precautions. But do they actually consult […]

The MSDS: A One-Stop Resource for Chemical Safety

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard requires you to have an MSDS for every hazardous chemical in your workplace, ensure employee access to MSDSs, and train employees to use them effectively to protect their safety and health. Rudimentary forms of the material safety data sheet (MSDS) have been available since the 19th century. Some experts trace their […]

The ABC’s of Safe Chemical Transportation

Chemicals, when transported, can endanger anyone at any stage in the journey, including people who live, work, or travel along the transport route. Today our Safety Training Tips editor covers the essentials for keeping that process safe. A. Training requirements. The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulates the transportation of hazardous materials under the Hazardous Materials […]

How to Meet OSHA’s HazCom Training Requirements

Yesterday we reviewed the essential elements of the written program required under OSHA’s hazard communication (HazCom) standard. Today we’ll look at the HazCom’s training requirements—and at a timesaving HazCom training solution. One of the core elements of a HazCom written program is employee training. Your written program must spell out your criteria for employee training, […]

HazCom—What You Must Put in Writing

Failure to have a written HazCom program consistently tops the list of OSHA general industry violations. Today we look at the essential elements of your written HazCom plan. The hazard communication standard (HazCom), also known as “worker right-to-know,” is one of OSHA’s most important standards. In summary, it requires chemical manufacturers, importers, and users to […]

Working Safely Around Hazardous Waste

Yesterday  we reviewed hazardous waste regulations, control strategies, and container maintenance and storage best practices. Today we look at what your employees need to do to stay safe when working with or around hazardous wastes, and at management’s role in making sure that happens. It goes without saying that any employee who works with or […]

Hazardous Waste: What You Need to Know

Hazardous materials remain hazardous even after they’re used. And other materials can become hazardous with use. Today we’ll review safety information about hazardous wastes that will help you protect your employees from harmful exposure. Hazardous Waste Defined According to the OSHA Required Training for Supervisors monthly newsletter, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) defines […]

Bisphenol A (BPA): Separating Hype from Reality

Yesterday we looked at the debate swirling around the possible dangers of bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in the production of food containers, water and baby bottles, and countless other consumer and industrial products. Today we’ll look at BPA in the workplace and at an upcoming audio conference on steps you can take right […]

Bisphenol A (BPA): The Safety Debate Rages On

In one of the latest shots fired in the war of words raging over the safety of bisphenol A (BPA), a new study has linked elevated concentrations of the chemical in human urine to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. BPA is an industrial chemical used primarily to make polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. […]