Category: EHS Management

Hearing protection

A Couple of Hearing Protection Questions to Wrap Up the Month

October has been National Protect Your Hearing Month, and our experts at® have been busy answering subscribers’ questions about hearing conservation. We’ve selected a couple for our EHS Daily Advisor readers—where does an office employee fit into a hearing conservation program, and what happens when an employee refuses to take a baseline audiometric test?

Carpal tunnel musculoskeletal

Is an Employee’s Claim of a Workplace-Caused Musculoskeletal Disorder Recordable?

Question: I’m attempting to determine if an employee claim of musculoskeletal disorder for both right and left wrists actually was caused by the workplace workstation as claimed by the employee. The condition resulted in medical operations to both wrists. When does this incident become an OSHA recordable injury, and are the days away from work […]


Assess Your PFAS Risk Sooner Rather than Later

Are you holding off on assessing the risk of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at your facility? Don’t wait until a regulator (or worse, legal action) forces your hand! A “wait and see” approach could result in a potential damage to your brand and investor relations.

Drug testing

Antiretaliation Provisions: OSHA Provides Some Clarification

In a memo issued October 11, 2018, OSHA’s acting director of Enforcement Programs has provided a regulatory clarification that appears to ensure employers that they have flexibility to test employees for drugs following reporting by the employees of a workplace injury or incident, as long as it contributes to root cause analysis. Drug testing under […]

How Does Hearing Loss Impact Employee Safety?

Affecting about 48 million people in the United States, hearing loss is one of the most common disabilities among American workers. The effects of hearing loss on the workforce can be far-reaching, resulting in lost productivity, lower wages, and increased safety risks.

Breaking Down the EPA’s Dental Effluent Limitations Guidelines

In issuing its final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Dental Category ((ELGs), June 14, 2017, Federal Register (FR)), the EPA faced a unique regulatory challenge because of the large number of dental offices subject to the ELGs and very small size of most of these offices. Accordingly, in the ELGs, the Agency took […]

Foot protection

How Can You Boost Your Foot Protection Program?

A lot of employers have questions about what specific footwear would work best in their foot protection programs. Experts at® recently answered two questions on the subject—see what they had to say, plus download a free guide from Tingley to learn more on how to put your program on the right footing!


Marijuana and Workplace Safety and Wellness: What You Need to Know

Thirty states have now legalized marijuana use for medicinal purposes, while recreational marijuana is legal in nine states and Washington, D.C. And as many states across the country become more lenient with their marijuana laws and regulations, organizations should seek out everything there is to know about marijuana and workplace safety and wellness.