Category: Enforcement and Inspection

As today’s workplace becomes more complex, regulation of that workplace increases. In this section, you’ll find the practical advice you need to understand exactly what OSHA, other federal agencies, and their state counterparts, require of you, and to comply in the ways that best satisfy both your and their needs. Look also for important court decisions, advice on how to handle enforcement actions, and news of upcoming changes in workplace health and safety law.

Free Special Report: What to Expect from an OSHA Inspection

Inspections Might Not Be as Big a Burden as Many Believed

Yesterday, we reported on a new study that says government safety inspections may not actually be as bad as you might think. Today, we conclude with more on this interesting study. The study, entitled "Randomized Government Safety Inspections Reduce Worker Injuries with no Detectable Job Loss," was co-authored by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Toffel, […]

OSHA Inspections Good for Workers and Companies, New Study Says

A new study indicates that workplace inspections save lives, reduce workers’ compensation claims, and do not cost jobs. Research published in Science magazine in May sheds light on a hot-button political issue: the role and effectiveness of government regulation. In this study, the issue was the impact of government safety inspections. The study, entitled "Randomized […]

Take a Good Look and Make Your Workplace Safer

The only way to know whether workplace hazards exist and whether or not they are safely under control is to look for them on a regular basis. That’s what self-inspections are all about. OSHA recommends that your self-inspections should cover safety and health issues in the following areas: Processing, receiving, shipping, and storage, including equipment, […]

4 Best Practices to be Ready for Cal/OSHA Inspections

Cal/OSHA inspections need not be painful and frustrating. While Cal/OSHA’s requirements can be daunting and complex, an inspector has a great deal of discretion in the conclusions he or she draws about your workplace. The better prepared you are, the more likely you’ll get through the inspection process without citations. In a CER webinar titled […]