Category: Enforcement and Inspection

As today’s workplace becomes more complex, regulation of that workplace increases. In this section, you’ll find the practical advice you need to understand exactly what OSHA, other federal agencies, and their state counterparts, require of you, and to comply in the ways that best satisfy both your and their needs. Look also for important court decisions, advice on how to handle enforcement actions, and news of upcoming changes in workplace health and safety law.

Free Special Report: What to Expect from an OSHA Inspection

4 Steps to Preventing OSHA Citations: Part II

Yesterday, we introduced the first two or four actions that can help prevent OSHA citations. Today, we conclude with the final two steps, training and self-audits. Attorney Tiffani Hiudt Casey, who advises employers on OSHA recordkeeping, hazard assessment and self-audits, and corporate-wide safety compliance, among other key issues, emphasizes the importance of proper safety training […]

4 Steps to Preventing OSHA Citations: Part I

The best way to avoid OSHA citations is to identify and correct safety and health problems before an inspector finds them. In a BLR webinar titled "OSHA’s Top 10: How To Stay Off This Infamous List in 2012," Attorney Tiffani Hiudt Casey outlined four key actions you can take to prepare your organization, make it […]

What to Do When an Inspector Has Cited Your Facility

If a compliance officer has cited your facility, ask for suggestions to correct the problems found. Request a copy of the inspection form and the final report when prepared. Prepare your own inspection report. Acknowledge findings of the inspector and confirm promised operation changes in writing, including a list of all cited violations and corrective […]

Tips for a Smooth Agency Inspection

Here are some tips for dealing with agency inspectors at your facility. Designate a manager and backup to handle inspections. This is the person the receptionists should call ASAP to notify of the arrival of any inspection personnel. Request the inspector’s credentials and make a copy of them. Business cards are not enough; in fact, […]

Third Time’s a Fine! Enviro Enforcement Wrap-Up

Educating the Educators Community college Maine: EPA Region 1 RCRA violation: During a compliance evaluation conducted by EPA regional staff, EPA’s inspectors identified multiple RCRA violations and state Hazardous Waste Management Rules, which govern the safe storage and handling of hazardous wastes. Penalty: $238,000 fine Third Time’s a Fine! Fuel company Baltimore, Maryland: EPA Region […]

EPA Criminal Investigations: Ignorance Is No Excuse

If CID determines there was culpable conduct by a facility it will begin a criminal investigation. Here’s what they are looking for. Was Criminal Intent Present? Criminal intent is not necessarily a component of culpable conduct.  Therefore, in order to pursue prosecution EPA needs to determine if there was criminal intent. A “knowing” violation is […]