Category: Injuries and Illness

Modern safety management goes beyond covering traditional workplace accidents to now being equally concerned with illnesses caused on and even off the job. This section will explain what you need to know to avoid both injuries and illnesses, and to track your progress in reaching this goal.

Free Special REport: Does Your PPE Program Meet OSHA’s Requirements?

Take More Breaks to Avoid Back Injuries, Study Says

Low back pain is the most common and costly workplace musculoskeletal disorder (MSD), according to many safety experts. Studies show that back injuries are responsible for at least 100 million lost workdays annually and cost billions in medical expenses. Now a study says more frequent work breaks can help prevent back injuries. A study of […]

Lyme Disease—Don’t Get Ticked

We all spend time outdoors, so we all are at some risk of coming into contact with the deer ticks that carry Lyme disease. Our Safety Training Tips editor offers some tips to share with your workers for lowering the risk of contracting this potentially debilitating disease. Lyme disease lives in squirrels, mice, and other […]

Back Injuries: Eliminate the ‘Usual Suspects’

Strains and sprains are the leading cause of workplace injuries and illnesses, and the back is one of the parts of the body most affected. According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, back injuries account for nearly 20 percent of all injuries and illnesses in the workplace, affecting more than 1 million workers annually. […]

Back Pain: Causes and Prevention

Back pain is among mankind’s earliest and most enduring afflictions. In fact, cave drawings have depicted early sufferers. Today, back pain has become a major workplace issue. The American Physical Therapy Association reports that back pain is the most common cause of loss of activity among adults under 45 and that more than 80 percent […]

Do the Math: Understanding the Heat Equation

The heat equation is a simple way to determine the circumstances under which the human body’s cooling system could fail, and when employees exerting themselves physically in the heat could be at risk of heat illness. Any environment that combines high temperature, high humidity, and physical exertion—whether work or sport—is a prime source of the […]

Not Quite Summer, but the Heat Is On!

Summer begins in just under 2 weeks. The summer solstice brings with it rising temperatures and increased humidity. So it’s important for all employees to know how to cope with the heat. Whether they’re outdoors in the heat for work or play, or whether they work indoors in a hot environment, employees need to know […]

The 3 Keys to Preventing Back Injuries

Back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries, accounting for an estimated one in five on-the-job injuries. Those injuries cost U.S. industry billions of dollars every year, not to mention the pain and suffering the injured workers have to endure. Here are some keys to preventing back injuries from taking down your workers—and your […]

6 Keys to Preventing Hand Injuries

Hand injuries can be especially traumatic, stripping away not only one’s ability to work, but also the ability to perform activities of daily living. Today we’ll share a surgeon’s views on the causes of hand injuries—and his tips for preventing them. Dr. Greg Merrell is a surgeon at the Indiana Hand Center, the largest free-standing […]

Solving OSHA’s Recordkeeping Maze

We continue yesterday’s review of OSHA’s recordkeeping rules, picking up with required reporting forms. And we also invite you to an audio conference that will provide you with practical, real-world solutions to your recordkeeping questions. There are three primary OSHA injury and illness reporting forms: The 300 log, which replaces form 200; the 301 form, […]

The First Thing OSHA Inspectors Want to See

When OSHA inspectors arrive at your workplace, the first thing they’ll want to see are your injury and illness records. And, although the agency’s recordkeeping rules may seem like just another administrative headache, the fact is that those records are a vital tool in promoting worker safety. Used in conjunction with the agency’s annual reports, […]