Category: Special Topics in Safety Management

Safety is a process, and as such, needs to be managed. This section offers resources to create a viable safety program, sell it to senior management, train supervisors and employees in using it, and then track and report your progress. Look also for ways to advance your own skills in these areas, both for your current job, and those that follow.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Combustible Dust: An Explosive Safety Issue

It’s just dust. How could it be dangerous, let alone explosive? Any combustible material can burn rapidly and explode in a finely divided form. Dust suspended in air in the right concentration can become explosive. The force from such an explosion can cause employee deaths, injuries, and destruction of entire buildings. In addition to explosion […]

Guarantee Confined Space Safety with a Comprehensive Permit Program

Permit-required confined spaces are regulated strictly by OSHA because the hazards are so great. Here’s a quick review of OSHA’s requirements for permit spaces. As we said in yesterday’s Advisor, which reviewed confined space hazards, OSHA defines confined spaces as tanks, silos, sewers, and similar spaces large enough to work in, but difficult to get […]

Industrial Strength Safety and Health

Industrial workplace safety and health depend on getting employees involved in the process. When they’re asked to contribute to the safety of others, employees are more likely to work safely themselves. "If employees don’t understand the ‘why,’ not just the ‘how’ [of workplace safety], they’ll never get beyond a certain point," says Fred Rine, founder […]

What You Should Know About Annual Physical Exams

Annual physical exams for some or all employees may be a good idea for many reasons. But make sure your policy is clearly communicated to employees and meets legal requirements. There are many legitimate reasons for requiring employees to have annual physical exams—for example, to ensure that individuals are physically capable of performing the required […]

Wellness Works, but Beware the Legal Landmines

Wellness programs seem like a simple, appealing way to reduce skyrocketing healthcare costs. But be aware that some programs can run afoul of federal and state laws. Wellness programs encourage employees to adopt or maintain healthy lifestyles—or at least take the first steps toward learning about healthy alternatives. Choosing healthier alternatives to reduce cholesterol levels, […]

Watch Out For Prescription Addiction

More Americans than ever—some 50 million—report suffering from chronic pain and may be taking pain medications. This reality can have a profound effect on safety in the workplace, not only because some of these meds have potentially dangerous side effects, but also because more people are becoming addicted and may continue using the drugs even […]

Lock In on Lockout Training

OSHA requires you to have an effective lockout/tagout program and train employees involved in or affected by LOTO. All employees who work with or around machinery and equipment should be trained to understand the importance of lockout/tagout and how it affects workplace safety. All employees who work with and around equipment that can be locked […]

The Protective Power of Lockout/Tagout

According to OSHA, some 3 million workers face the risk of injury or death from hazardous energy–related accidents. Compliance with lockout/tagout rules keeps about 120 of them alive each year and prevents some 50,000 accidents. Three men were performing maintenance inside an asphalt mixer. One of them was still inside the mixer when the power […]

Recognizing and Preventing Alcohol Abuse

One in five workers says they have been put in danger or injured because of a co-worker’s substance abuse. To keep your workplace safe, you have to recognize alcohol abuse that affects job performance and take steps to correct the problem. Recognizing alcohol abuse is the first step in preventing it in your workplace. A […]

No Fooling: April Is Alcohol Awareness Month

Alcohol and workplace safety don’t mix. If any of your employees are reporting to work under the influence, they’re putting themselves and others at risk. Take advantage of Alcohol Awareness Month to promote an alcohol-free and drug-free workplace. Workplace use of alcohol and drugs is a problem that costs American businesses more than $100 billion […]