Category: Special Topics in Safety Management

Safety is a process, and as such, needs to be managed. This section offers resources to create a viable safety program, sell it to senior management, train supervisors and employees in using it, and then track and report your progress. Look also for ways to advance your own skills in these areas, both for your current job, and those that follow.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Is Your Drugs and Alcohol Policy Legal?

Yesterday we looked at the scope and dangers of alcohol abuse in the workplace, and at screening services available as part of Alcohol Awareness Month (April). Today we look at the legal considerations in implementing a drugs and alcohol policy—and at a resource that provides you with a ready-made, lawyer-reviewed policy and supporting documents. In […]

No Fooling—April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Next month (April) is Alcohol Awareness Month, a good time to remind your workers of the dangers of mixing alcohol and work—and of the prohibitions and requirements of your organization’s drugs and alcohol policy. When many people think of alcohol abusers, they picture teenagers sneaking drinks before high school football games or at unsupervised parties. […]

Workplace Mold: The Straight Scoop

In recent years, concerns of mold and fungi growing in indoor environments have caused major upheavals among various building-related trades and businesses, as well as insurance companies and different levels of governmental agencies. Today and tomorrow we’ll try to separate the truth from the hype, and we’ll provide you with some tips for preventing or […]

Taking Charge of Flammable and Combustible Liquids

The two primary hazards associated with flammable and combustible liquids are fires and explosions, either of which could injure or kill scores of employees and do major damage to your facility. But flammable and combustible liquids can be hazardous in other ways, as well. Some vapors are toxic, and splashes on the skin or in […]

Let’s Make It Daylight SAFETY Time

Setting our clocks an hour ahead next week may seem like an early start to the spring, but it also marks a time of extra safety concerns in the form of groggy workers and dark morning hours. Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 8, 2009, and it starts a particularly difficult time of year for […]

The ROI of Helping Workers Quit Smoking

Yesterday we looked at the costs and complexities surrounding workplace smoking, including increased healthcare costs and absenteeism, decreased productivity, the relative rights of smokers and nonsmokers, and inconsistencies in the number and length of breaks. Today we look at tips for limiting the impact of smoking on your bottom line, including the most important of […]

Managing Workplace Smoking: A Hazy Legal Tangle

Managing smoking in the workplace is an essential task for employers. But it is made challenging by the many complex issues involved, including compliance with state and local laws, the rights of employees to smoke without suffering discrimination, the rights of nonsmokers to a safe workplace, and complaints about inconsistency in breaks between smokers and […]

Vision: It Can Be Lost in the Blink of an Eye

If you are having trouble getting your workers to wear required eye protection, try opening their eyes with some of these statistics from and BLR’s OSHA Required Training for Supervisors newsletter. More than 800,000 work-related eye injuries occur every year (that’s about 2,000 a day). Many of these injuries are temporarily disabling and some […]

Safety Plus: Get Your Employees Involved

Why are successful supervisors in many organizations turning over more safety responsibilities to their employees? It isn’t because they’re shirking their duty. It’s because these supervisors have learned that the more their employees participate in safety programs, the safer the workplace becomes. OSHA has long advocated employee participation as basic to workplace safety. An agency […]

When Domestic Violence Comes to Work

Chances are very good that there are people in your workplace who are being abused. The issue often manifests itself in the workplace in one form or another, and it’s a problem you simply cannot ignore. Here’s why. According to estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey, in 2001 there were almost 700,000 nonfatal violent […]