Category: Special Topics in Safety Management

Safety is a process, and as such, needs to be managed. This section offers resources to create a viable safety program, sell it to senior management, train supervisors and employees in using it, and then track and report your progress. Look also for ways to advance your own skills in these areas, both for your current job, and those that follow.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Foot Protection: Who Foots the Bill?

OSHA requires foot protection be worn to guard against a variety of hazards, but the question of who must pay for it is not as simple as it seems. Each year there are tens of thousands of disabling foot injuries, and requiring at-risk workers to wear appropriate foot protection isn’t just good safety practice – […]

Lockout/Tagout Safety Essentials

It’s easy to assume that machines are safe once they have been shut down. But that assumption often leads to tragedy. Here are some key aspects of OSHA’s lockout/tagout standard that can help safeguard your workforce Veteran safety professionals know that simply turning off or unplugging a machine before maintenance, repairs, or retooling is not […]

3 Keys to Safer, Healthier Shift Work

Many approaches have been tried to improve the safety, health, and work-life balance of shift workers. Today, we look at three that have proven successful. We’ve all heard the expression “24/7” — as in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week — and we’re likely to be hearing it with increasing frequency as more […]

Stay Off OSHA’s Radar with Back Safety Training

Heed OSHA’s warning that it will concentrate enforcement efforts on industries with high rates of feasibly preventable back injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Yesterday we looked at the prevalence of back injuries in the workplace, and at some quick and simple stretches and exercises that, with regular use, can significantly cut down on the […]

Warming Up to Back Safety

Back trauma accounts for almost 20 percent of all workplace injuries, but our expert says that implementing a simple stretching program can greatly reduce the number of back injuries and other MSDs in your workplace. Another football game, another player down. And, if our collective memory serves, it was Howard Cosell who used to lament, […]

Reduce Slips, Trips, and Falls in 7 Minutes

Yesterday we looked at the huge costs (both in human suffering and money) of slips, trips, and falls. We saw how most of these accidents could be prevented through proper housekeeping and training, and we also touched upon the relevant OSHA standards. Today we’ll review some tips for preventing slip-and-fall injuries, and look at a […]

Fall Protection Training: No Time for Slipups

Slips, trips, and falls may seem like a minor safety issue, but in truth they are a major source of injuries, lost workdays, and even deaths. Here is a look at the relevant OSHA standards, and at some accident-prevention steps. Slips, trips, and falls—classic sources of slapstick humor, and maybe even the cause of few […]

The Cutting Edge of Utility Knife Training

The humble utility knife – a common and useful tool, but hardly much of a safety hazard, right? Not so, says our Safety Training Tips editor, who provides this important advice . Utility knives are handy implements for a variety of tasks. But because they have to be extremely sharp to do their job, utility […]

Checklists for New Hires – Young and Old Alike

All new hires – whether young or old – are at higher risk of work-related injuries and illness. Today we look at a tool that will drive home your safety message to all of your new employees. While it may be true that youth is wasted on the young, safety training, as we saw in […]

Young, Eager — and in Peril

Young workers bring enthusiasm but also a higher risk of injury to the workplace. Here’s a look at what OSHA and NIOSH say you should do to help keep them safe. The dog days of August… notice anything different in your workplace? Chances are you’re seeing some new faces — new hires and interns, many […]