Category: Special Topics in Safety Management

Safety is a process, and as such, needs to be managed. This section offers resources to create a viable safety program, sell it to senior management, train supervisors and employees in using it, and then track and report your progress. Look also for ways to advance your own skills in these areas, both for your current job, and those that follow.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

OSHA Targets Silica Exposure Risk to 2,000,000 Workers

In addition to targeting chemical plants in 2008, OSHA has announced a National Emphasis Program (NEP) on workplace silica exposure, which threatens some 2 million workers with a lung-crippling disease. Here, from BLR’s OSHA Compliance Encyclopedia, are some strategies to reduce the risk. Yesterday’s Advisor described a new OSHA National Emphasis Program (NEP) on chemical […]

OSHA to “NEP” 28,000 Chemical Plants

OSHA has instituted an intense inspection effort called a National Emphasis Program (NEP) on 28,000 U.S. chemical plants. And it’s mobilized more than a third of its inspection force to carry out that effort. Memo to some 28,000 American chemical plants: You’re about to get “NEP’d” by OSHA. NEP stands for National Emphasis Program, which […]

Cut the Power on Portable Power Tool Accidents

Portable power tools have revolutionized work, but also added new safety concerns. This Friday, our Safety Training Tips editor explains how to reap the benefits of these tools while minimizing the hazards. Here’s what he says you should do… Make sure workers recognize the risks. Power tools can be hazardous in various ways. For example:•     […]

Workplace Drug and Alcohol Abuse Programs: What Your Policy Must Say

The heart of any workplace drug and alcohol abuse program is the policy that establishes and controls it. From BLR’s new guide, Essential Safety Policies, here are some key points to include. Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion of workplace drug and alcohol abuse, which, despite the government’s decades-long war on drugs, drains business of more […]

Workplace Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Steps to Stop It

Workplace drug and alcohol abuse costs businesses a hundred billion dollars a year, and that’s before the enormous human costs. But a solid antiabuse program can help curb it at your organization. Here are key steps in setting one up. One hundred billion dollars a year. That’s what the U.S. government estimates is the annual […]

Safety Compliance: Why Supervisors Also Need to Know

You may be the safety professional at your organization. But by law, every supervisor has the same responsibility. That means they, too, have a need to know what you already do. And now there’s a special audio conference to help teach them. Yesterday’s Advisor broached the subject of what line supervisors and managers should do […]

Safety Awareness: More Ways to Build It

Safety awareness can’t be dictated. Instead, employees have to be immersed in it, from many directions. Here are a few steps toward helping workers reach that state of mind. In the last Advisor, we began exploring ways to build safety awareness into your workers’ thought patterns … to get them to think about doing things […]

Brainstorm Your Way to Safety Awareness

To be safe, workers need to think safety in everything they do. That’s called safety awareness. Here is a technique to get them to more involved in building it. If you’re like many safety professionals, you spend your days (and probably nights, too) working on and thinking about ways to make your workplace safer. You […]

Put the Focus on Safety During NAOSH Week, May 4-10

This Friday, our Safety Training Tips Editor reminds us that next week is a special week for safety, with a chance to showcase what we’ve been doing … and should do all year. North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH Week) runs from May 4-10 and is sponsored by the American Society of Safety […]