Category: Training

Training is the number one element in accident, incident, and illness avoidance. Check the articles here frequently for the latest and best tips on techniques, trends, programs and equipment. We offer explanations for group, one-one, or self-directed situations, in both general and specific work activities. Your training will be both easier and more effective if you do.

OSHA Confined Space Training: Resources

Means available to meet OSHA’s confined space training requirements range from consultants conducting simulations to pamphlets. Here’s what you need to teach, and an option to do it “totally.”Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion of the multiple hazards of working in confined spaces. In a space often little bigger than the worker’s body inside it, dangerous […]

Confined Spaces: How to Keep Them from Turning into Tombs

Work in confined spaces can be, and is, deadly to some 20 workers a year. Here’s what OSHA and best practices require to make working in them safer. The dairy farmer slipped his legs into the entry of the manure pit. He never much liked going down there but, after 18 years of doing so, […]

Safety Training Meetings: What to Do When You Don’t Have the Answer

You’re training and a question comes up that completely baffles you … no idea at all how to reply, and no wish to give the wrong information. Is it panic city? Not according to our Safety Training Tips editor. This Friday, he gives you the answers … to not knowing the answers. If you are […]

Safer Driving at Work: OSHA’s Other 5 Steps

Previously, we presented steps 1–5 in the recommendation of OSHA and its partners for driving safety. Now here are the last 5, with our own recommendation of a program for easy and effective driver training. .Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion of safe driving when on the road for business purposes. With nearly half of workplace […]

10 Steps to Safer Driving at Work

OSHA has joined with two other organizations to publish a 10-step recommendation to make driving at work safer. Here are the first 5 of those steps. The rest follow tomorrow.You’d think that if anyone should be trained in safe driving at work, it would be state troopers. After all, they spend some 80 percent of […]

Repetitive Safety Training: How to Block the Boredom

How do you keep trainees from being bored by the same material presented over and over? Hint: the solution is in the packaging as well as what’s in the package. Yesterday’s Advisor made the point that repetition is a key element in safety training. Presenting a key point, key terms, or a whole lesson over […]

Repetition in Safety Training: It Works, Works, Works

Because learning speeds and styles differ, safety trainers should build repetition and reinforcement into their programs. There are ways to do it without boring or annoying students. HeadOn. Apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn. Apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn. Apply directly… OK, we’ll stop before we apply a headache directly to your forehead. But […]

Trainerman’s 19 Terrific Safety Training Tips

Jonathan Klane, aka “Trainerman,” may dress like a superhero but his safety training techniques are even more important. Here are some of his super ideas: Yesterday’s Advisor introduced us to “Trainerman,” aka safety and health trainer Johathan Klane of Klane’s Education Information Training Hub, Fairfield, Maine. Klane, who conducts safety meetings in a superhero outfit, […]

Keeping Safety Training Interesting: How Trainerman does it.

Faster than a speeding flipchart, more powerful than a PowerPoint, “Trainerman” Jonathan Klane keeps students involved in safety training with more than a superhero suit. Here’s how. When Jonathan Klane started out in safety and health training, he did so in a suit and tie. But as the years progressed, his style changed. These days […]

Set Your Sights on Eye Safety and Health

There’s a saying that goes “keep your eyes on the prize.” Perhaps it should be amended to “our eyes are the prize,” as that’s how great a gift vision is. This Friday, our Safety Training Tips editor celebrates Workplace Eye Safety and Health Month with ideas for keeping your eyes safe on … and off […]