Category: Training
Training is the number one element in accident, incident, and illness avoidance. Check the articles here frequently for the latest and best tips on techniques, trends, programs and equipment. We offer explanations for group, one-one, or self-directed situations, in both general and specific work activities. Your training will be both easier and more effective if you do.
Training Hispanic workers in safety can present both linguistic and cultural challenges. Here are ideas from the experts on how to do it. “¡Peligroso! ¡No Entrar!” Imagine you’re touring a workplace and notice the sign above on a door. Would you go in? Not if you know, from taking Spanish in school or other experience, […]
Scaffold accidents are among the most tragic, so it’s no surprise that OSHA tightly regulates their use. Here are 10 steps to compliance. These days, we live and work in a vertical world. Our buildings are taller, our homes have high ceilings, and our workplaces have grown upward to hold larger equipment and to make […]
With millions working on ladders and scaffolds each day, the risks are high. Here are some ways to avoid those risks. It’s said that life has its ups and downs, and that’s certainly true of people who work on ladders and scaffolds. But for them, the downs can be especially painful. That’s led safety experts, […]
OSHA has specific requirements for protecting workers from bloodborne pathogen exposures … and it’s not only for healthcare workers. Here’s a summary, and a highly recommended tool, to meet the agency’s training requirement. Yesterday’s Advisor began a discussion of risks faced by the nation’s 13.5 million healthcare workers and highlighted some strategies employers are using […]
Here are more common office safety hazards, and a training tool to make managers and workers aware of them, the first step to defusing the threat. In the seemingly calm environment of a modern office, it’s easy to forget that there are hazards. And that goes for managers as much as employees. However calm it […]
Offices are usually thought of as safe and serene, but in fact they are rife with risks. Two recent lists detail them, and explain how to avoid them. Although office environments lack the cutting, crushing, twisting or pounding machinery of industrial spaces, that doesn’t mean they’re are without risks … from both inside and outside […]
At any price, gasoline can hurt more than your wallet. This article offers employees gasoline safety tips to encourage safe handling of this necessary, but dangerous, product. National Burn Awareness Week takes place each year during the first full week of February. Although a summary of key safety points is available below, addition resources are […]
For safety training to be effective, supervisors and managers conducting training have to be trained to train. Here’s what they need to know. 1. To train adult learners, trainers must understand and use these four key elements of successful employee learning: Motivation. Trainers must explain how the learning is related to trainees’ jobs and safety, […]
Weather-related slips and falls are especially common during winter. Here are tips to avoid them in and around your workplace now, and also all year. Unless they’re ice skating or skiing this winter, you don’t want your employees slipping and sliding—especially around your workplace. Weather-related slips, trips, and falls become a serious hazard as winter […]
Many of your employees probably have never heard of radon, much less realized that it might be in their homes, threatening their families. Now, in time for National Radon Action Month, here’s the info they need about this hidden hazard. If there’s a safety training topic you’ve never dealt with before, this one might be […]