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Hazmat Training: What Employees Need to Know

There’s a lot your hazmat employees need to know about the hazardous materials they work with. Inadequate knowledge is dangerous. Proper training is the only way to ensure safety. The first thing hazmat employees need to know is how to recognize and identify hazardous materials and specific hazards. To do this they have to: Read […]

Brrrrrrrace Your Workers for the Cold

Very cold temperatures can be hazardous—even deadly—to your workers’ health. Of course, no matter the temperature, the work must still get done. Workers can be exposed to hazards from cold indoors as well as outside. It’s very cold, for instance, in food storage areas. However, since it’s January, it makes sense to focus your training […]

No Fooling: April Is Alcohol Awareness Month

Alcohol and workplace safety don’t mix. If any of your employees are reporting to work under the influence, they’re putting themselves and others at risk. Take advantage of Alcohol Awareness Month to promote an alcohol-free and drug-free workplace. Workplace use of alcohol and drugs is a problem that costs American businesses more than $100 billion […]

OSHA Fines [Your Company] Millions for Safety Violations

Employers across the country are being hit with big penalties for safety and health violations all the time. Make sure you have the safety resources and information you need to stay in compliance and keep your company’s name out of the headlines. OSHA assesses penalties on the basis of: Gravity of the alleged violation Size […]

First Aid for All Kinds of Burns

Because burns are such a common injury both on and off the job, everybody should know first-aid procedures. Prompt on-the-spot action can prevent complications—and speed recovery. Some burns demand immediate medical attention. For example: All third-degree burns (the damage may cause dangerous, even fatal, infections, and destroyed skin may need skin grafts) Second-degree burns that […]

Take the "Hazards" out of Confined Space Entry

Confined spaces can be deadly unless employees are aware of hazards and understand safety measures required to prevent accidents and injuries. OSHA defines confined spaces as work areas with certain features. They are: Large enough to enter and work in Limited entry and exit areas Not designed to be occupied for extended periods Examples of […]

Back to Basics for Strong, Healthy Backs

Back pain and injuries are among the most common causes of lost workdays and long-term disability. About 80 percent of adults suffer from back pain at some time in their lives, and hundreds of thousands of workers suffer disabling back injuries on the job every year. When you think about it, it’s not surprising that […]

Tips for Keeping Teen Workers Safe

If you’re employing teen workers this summer, or perhaps taking on some recent high school grads full-time, make sure they stay safe on the job. Every 5 days a teen worker is killed on the job, according to OSHA, and more than 20,000 are injured annually, which is 2 to 3 times more than any […]

Proposal Would Ease SIP Conflicts

With a new proposal, the EPA is seeking to introduce regulatory reforms intended to smooth over conflicts that have developed in the Agency’s relationship with states submitting state implementation plans (SIPs) to improve visibility in federal Class I areas as specified by Section 169A of the Clean Air Act (CAA). Most of the conflicts between […]